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[QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="GunSmith1_basic"] well one could argue that any new IP could be another Red Steel. New IPs are a good thing though, and exactly what the wiiU needs more of. ShinobishyguyAh yeah I just mean they are in very similar situations, both Ubisoft games, both launch titles for a Nintendo console, both look excellent in previews, both prob have/had a lot of developers looking to see how well it does before they decide how to support the console themselves... Red Steel failed and disappointed a lotta people, hoping ZombiU does a lot better!RedSsteel never got the same type of positive feedback that Zombiu is getting. Everyone was hyped off of the concept trailer but as soon as people got their hands on the demo of the actual game they could tell that it was going to flop Yeah there;s a much better vibe off ZombiU!
How would you ask for a game like this at the store? Just saying ZombiU would be embarrassing.JohnnyCageMKDon't worry you wouldn't be the one that would have to say it, your mom would have to ask for it since its M rated
one thing that gives me a bad feeling about ZombiU is the format of having a guy on the radio giving you directions all the time. It's a low-concept way of framing a game imo, and makes it feel like a tutorial rather than a truly immersed experience. It definitely takes away from the "alone-ness." Also some the dialogue made him seem a little bit too callus to the point where he wasn't a believable character, which also takes away from the immersion (a death blow to true horror and dread). Of course I haven't played the game so I can't really say anything definitive but everything I've seen has shown that structure. I'm expecting a greater survival horror experience out of Zwei, since I trust Mikami to understand the nuances of effective horror and integrating it into design. ZombiU still seems like a really good game though, but just don't expect it to be the next Silent Hill. Zwei on the other hand, now that could be something special.
one thing that gives me a bad feeling about ZombiU is the format of having a guy on the radio giving you directions all the time. It's a low-concept way of framing a game imo, and makes it feel like a tutorial rather than a truly immersed experience. It definitely takes away from the "alone-ness." Also some the dialogue made him seem a little bit too callus to the point where he wasn't a believable character, which also takes away from the immersion (a death blow to true horror and dread). Of course I haven't played the game so I can't really say anything definitive but everything I've seen has shown that structure. I'm expecting a greater survival horror experience out of Zwei, since I trust Mikami to understand the nuances of effective horror and integrating it into design. ZombiU still seems like a really good game though, but just don't expect it to be the next Silent HillGunSmith1_basicTruthfully, I love that idea. I've played other games that operate like that in the past, and I always found it to be strangely appealing. I'm still hung up on the way in which the game has scavenging set up. Are items placed intuitively or just haphazardly... That's what I'd like to learn more about.
How can it be a must have when the console its on isnt? Heil68That doesnt make sense. You must be spitting out the wrong words. Jack Tretton got you mouth hurt again?
Thats the problem with WiiU, it has a garbage game as killer app, which is why i would never buy one
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]ZombiU was a killer app?Thats the problem with WiiU, it has a garbage game as killer app, which is why i would never buy one
IGN says so, did you read the thread title ?
[QUOTE="MonsieurX"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]So,because they said it,it's true? Well they ended up not believing it themselves, they gave it a 6.3 :lol:IGN says so, did you read the thread title ?
LOL, that was precious
[QUOTE="lx_theo"][QUOTE="JohnnyCageMK"]How would you ask for a game like this at the store? Just saying ZombiU would be embarrassing.JohnnyCageMKHave you even ever bought a game before? I can't think of a time I've actually had to ask them for the game or even say its name out loud, lol. At gamestop I just ask for the game over the counter when I buy it new. Otherwise you get a gutted copy. And at Walmart the games are behind glass so you gotta point it out and they will see that big U on it and laugh. are you really that insecure you can't say "zombie u" at a counter?
edit: the only game I've ever felt weird asking for it, "could i please have super monkey ball" which i laughed at while he was handing it to me.
You know a system is a joke when its killer app is a 4.5 game. Like LOOOOOLZsilversix_
Indeed, WiiU seems like the ultimate joke console ever
I miss PS1 graphics, WiiU graphics look so subpar comparing
I wonder how from millions of polygons you go to 20-30 for each charatcer, i remember PS1 had more polygons on screen than ZombiU, i am sure of it
Also do they use textures at all ? Seems like WiiU is a huge step down from Wii graphics wise
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