Ipods are great devices and there is nothing that rivals them in features and integration and ease of use
Features, if you mean APPS, sure. Integration? Maybe if you don't use a PC. They are too close to call on that point though. Ease of use? As many have said, the Zune's software is more user friendly. Almost anyone I know that has both (including my best friend, who had the Touch first) says Zune is the better MP3 player. The subscription service ($15 for unlimited access and 10 downloads that you own) is great for people who love music, and aren't pirates. Now add a HD Radio and MS's great movie support through LIVE(for themusic lover's that are also movie buffs) and it is easy to see why so many people love it. It has little to do with being a "Microsoft fanboy". It's about being an educated consumer. There have ALWAYS been better mp3 players out there than Ipods.
Ok preference comes in for the ease of use and preference of the way it looks and runs. Dont know about the subscription service, as 1.) Anyone who doesnt live in the US usually gets screwed on pricing. 2.) Im not going to download music every month. Apples store pricing is great and is comparable around the world and is now DRM free. Apple has music stores around the world. Apple has a massive movie/tv show store
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