Hey all, nice to see that I'm not alone!
I have 2 kids, girl(7yrs) and boy(2.5years) and they like to play Wii, and Nintendo DS. The boy has my first DS lite, and plays some basic games, he just follows his sister, I have to say he play New Super Mario Bros.. pretty good!
My daughter, is one tough gamer! We mainly play family games on Wii or DS, I never let her play ManHunt 2, or other violent games on the Wii. I hide them!
Because I like the shootem up and killing games like socom, I own a Sony PSP, so I can play GTA Series, or manhunt 2 on psp. My wife hates when I spend my side job money on games, but like I tell her, it's a hobby! And it's fun!
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