Is this union dead because if it is theres a simular union called Mature Gamers Unite which im a member of and just thought id let u guys know.
Is this union dead because if it is theres a simular union called Mature Gamers Unite which im a member of and just thought id let u guys know.
I'm still here, too. Check for new posts daily among the unions I belong to.
Luckily, the only thing affected by the economy is the hours I work. I'm lucky to get 30 now, when I used to look forward to overtime.
Can we assume that someone has at least sent her a PM asking to reactivate interest or pass the leadership to another?
I came looking for other adults to game with and avoid the "one word" posts and "silly games" that are prevelent on other unions. Did meet one person on here that led to an adult gamers site where I get to game with adults in MP matches. But I still spend more time on Gamespot than any other gamer site.
Are the OFFICERS still active?
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