A self-reinforcing delusion is a false belief which in some way ensures that it will continue to be believed, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. So if a child imagines that fairies exist then he has a false belief (delusion). If the fairies tell him that his mother and father will not see them because the are grown-ups then the child has a false belief that reinforces and justifies itself (a self-reinforcing delusion).
Is Christianity (or any religion really) a self-reinforcing delusion? Here's a short list of features that would seem to indicate that it is.
1. The virtue of faith. According to Christianity believing in the existence of God and Jesus as the messiah without any good evidence or reason is a virtue. In the gospels the power of faith is affirmed over and over. One of Jesus' catchphrases is "O ye of little faith" and in Matthew 17:18-20 he says this:
"And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
If there's any kind of failing in a Christian it's normally that they didn't believe strongly enough. In this way the delusion of Christianity is very much self-reinforcing.
2. The threat of hell. According to Christianity if you do not believe in the existence of God and Jesus as the messiah then you're going to burn. Now as I'm sure Gabu would point out this is not necessarily what is found in scripture but nevertheless it is widely believed by the majority of Christians. The very fact that non-belief is connected to punishment should surely indicate to us that this belief is self-reinforcing.
3. The allure of heaven. According to Christianity if you do believe in the existence of God and Jesus as your lord and saviour then you're going to paradise. Inversely to hell the fact that belief is connected to reward surely indicates the self-reinforcing nature of Christianity.
4. The great commision. If you're a Christian then it's your responsibility to share your belief with as many people as possible and to spread the delusion. This is unambiguously self-reinforcing.
5. Satan's role as a deciever. If anything in some way undermines God, Jesus or Christianity then it is automatically blamed on Satan. Anything that seems to disprove Christianity in fact further proves its thesis by demonstrating the presence of some cosmic liar who is out to cause non-belief and trick people into hell. This in effect makes Christianity, if it is true, indistinguishable from an everyday falsehood. Check for self-reinforcement.
6. The total depravity of mankind. According to Christianity mankind is so wicked that we have a natural predisposition to hate God. If you don't believe in God it's not because you have sound reasons not to, no. It's because you hate him and you have a hardened heart that corrupts your objectivity and fairness in observing the evidence for his existence. If people don't believe it's just because they're being naughty. If people get angry at you while you're sharing your beliefs then that's proof that you're right. Here's a perfect illustration of this point. Another check for self-reinforcement.
Whew okay that's six points done. If anyone can think of any ther ways that Christianity (or any other religion) reinforces itself list them here.
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