[QUOTE="2ndWonder"]Have fun like always :oops:silentexistence[These actions were deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator, but not before making the acting moderator or administrator :oops:.] the moderator probably fainted to :oops:
Guess it is in your blood eh? horgen123Not really since things break whenever I come into contact with a musical instrument.
It's not the same instrument. It's not comparable.lancelot200They're both music-related videos. One impressed me a lot more than the other. Stop nitpicking.
[QUOTE="ArmoredCore55"]What's everyone's least favorite genre? Mine are country and dubstep.horgen123Country by far I think newer country sounds worse than older country. I'm still not a big fan, although I do like Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash.
Anybody get any good music for Christmas?
I got some Black Metal patches, a Sun O))) album, and shirts from Swans and Altar of Plagues. It was pretty good. I was planning ot spend my cash on some albums, but they ended up going to clothes anyway.
Anybody get any good music for Christmas?
I got some Black Metal patches, a Sun O))) album, and shirts from Swans and Altar of Plagues. It was pretty good. I was planning ot spend my cash on some albums, but they ended up going to clothes anyway.
Sounds pretty cool. Clothes can be fun gifts.
Reminds me of a shirt that I wanted to buy for myself a few weeks back, didn't have my size. I do wish that there were more options with the colors to pick for a band t-shirt.dancingbeatle
You have an extensive range of black, white, or bootleg
Over this past year I got rid of almost all of my old clothes. Except for some of my long sleeved shirts. I notice now that about half of my t-shirts are in black. Than again they're from hot topic.
I used to wear pretty much nothing except black shirts, now I've got pink, orange, green, blue, whatever. I still love rocking the band shirts though.
I dig shirts with red electric guitars imprinted on them.I used to wear pretty much nothing except black shirts, now I've got pink, orange, green, blue, whatever. I still love rocking the band shirts though.
[QUOTE="ArmoredCore55"]What's everyone's least favorite genre? Mine are country and dubstep.horgen123Country by farBy the sounds of it, not too many people like Country very much.
[QUOTE="horgen123"][QUOTE="ArmoredCore55"]What's everyone's least favorite genre? Mine are country and dubstep.Toph_Girl250Country by farBy the sounds of it, not too many people like Country very much. True, I respect it. It's just not my thing.
[QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"]I'm not into yo gangster crap either. :P2ndWonderwhat are you into/ :PI am into many good music.
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