This topic reached 2500 posts 51 posts ago.
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[QUOTE="BET8390"][QUOTE="gameman9"]thats nice but still Its not going to go anywhere at this speed we're going now :( WHERE"S FASTEST TRUCK !!?? IMA SEND HIM TEH VIRUSES :PThis topic reached 2500 posts 51 posts ago.
Give him spyware too.
LOL and some of those root kits that can't be uninstalled without messing your computer up :P But seriouslty though where is he? Ima PM him in a couple minutes..probably mastersword too.Microsoft beefs up xbox 360 cooling.
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If I could only watch one movie this year It would have to be THIS, HANDS DOWN!!BET8390
Wrong number lands boy in jail. New link here.
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[QUOTE="BET8390"]If I could only watch one movie this year It would have to be THIS, HANDS DOWN!!mastersword007
But that's the reason why I don't come so often anymore.ya..But The only reason I'm not on for long periods of time is because you stopped coming and fastertruck almost never comes :( If only...If only....We could make everyone come back...
Almost everybody left.
A year ago, when you posted something, you could expect a response in 5's more like 5 hours now...
If only we could bring everyone back....mastersword007
So Um...what have I missed? Summer starts for me on Monday! (Im off from school now but I have to be at the Fire House down the road all this weekend)
Any time one of you are on, just PM me. I sometimes forget to check on all my Unions b/c I have so many now :|
Hoping to play some more TP tonight!!! Midna FTW
Well all be on the verge of death.
Oh I was playing TP again last night :D I hope to go play again soon :D
Errors:Messages cannot be blank. Ensure your post contains non-whitespace characters and does not consist solely of formatted or quoted text.
Am I the only one that Realy Hates that dam error?
OMFG!! IM ROTFLMAO :P Just joking..but a good try... Man I just got back from a smash fest (not a tourney this time) and the falco player I lost to the last time got even better!!!:shock: Ya I lost like 80% of my matches with him...He kept raping me with Dair to shine combos (dair is Down A in the Air, Shine refers to fox and falco's reflectors). I even got a play a japanese Samus player named Kai, he's not well known but he's really good, He was out here vacationing (on the Island i live in, close 2 japan) when he noticed our smash banner in the Hall we rented on the bottom of the hotel he was staying in..It was pretty fun since I never got to play a real good Samus player. WE HAD ALOT OF PIZZA!!! lol I think there were about 20 boxes of extra large pizza :P
If you've read my blog ... and I know everyone here did, right gameman'll know that I setting up te last SSBM tourney here, Ill record all my matches (and the best matches I see) and post on youtube for the HUB to enjoy.
I think I have an idea for a good topic, Guys N' Girls opinion: On whatever...We'll get a bunch of girls here on GS, chose some topics and see whether guys N' Girls agree or disagree... :P Sounds really fun when i think about it...we can have guys n' girls alternate on making topics, I knw its kinda off topic from the union, but a good and original topic like that could spark some good activity in the union, plus who would'nt want arguing with some gamers girls??:P
get girls to come to this Union? What are you BET, Insane? You would make them all leave :P Well it could be a good idea :)
Oh MS, what about that story of yours? I want to read more!!!
lol...You know..I think that sarthe is your second account. I'm not certain for sure but I'm pretty certain.
Anyways, Mastersword, are you considering attending OC3 this year? Its the last for Melee and Ken has personally invited me, I need a partner though for doubles. Accommadations and food is free, you just have to buy a ticket to Cali. they'll provide transportation too so its more of a vacation than a tournament. AND since were international , me from Pacific and you from Europe we get VIP treatment even If we suck compared to those pros :lol:
[QUOTE="BET8390"]Damn! Someone post something Conversation worthy!!
Nobody has anything to say. Anybody going to see Transformers?
Yeah, Its actually one of the few movies I'm excited for this summer :D I do have one problem with the movie...They strayed too far into mechanical realism that besides color and maybe shape, Most of the transformers barely look like their Animated counter parts...But its still sweet none the less :P[QUOTE="gameman9"][QUOTE="BET8390"]Damn! Someone post something Conversation worthy!!
Nobody has anything to say. Anybody going to see Transformers?
Yeah, Its actually one of the few movies I'm excited for this summer :D I do have one problem with the movie...They strayed too far into mechanical realism that besides color and maybe shape, Most of the transformers barely look like their Animated counter parts...But its still sweet none the less :PI think it is a good thing they change them.
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Speeking of addictions, anyone see that Emblem I have that is green? Looks like that Dr. Mario pillsfastesttruck
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