[QUOTE="fastesttruck"][QUOTE="mastersword007"]Who are you?[QUOTE="BET8390"] [QUOTE="gameman9"][QUOTE="BET8390"][This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]mastersword007
WHO AM I?!:o WHO AM I!:evil: WHO ARE YOU?!:(
I am the sultin of umbababaubau, the embassador of off-topicness, the destroyer of anything that is comprehendable by the ears of those who are not worthy, I am the peanut butter in their peanut butter and jam sandwich (fastesttruck is the bread because he's stale:? and mastersword is the jam because he's sweet:oops: )I am the lubricant on their condum the the anal in their alian anal probe!:)
THATS WHO I AM!:o OH! and I'm also a charter member and officer of this union who is in constant homosexual conversations with fastesttruck and Mastersword!
you don't know if I'm a male or female.....or both O_o OMGWTFBBQ!!1
You still never told us
When 10 people have voted at what I am...I will reveal.....right now it's:
female = 1 vote
male = 1 vote
O and POST # 400!!!!
can i vote for you being a master sword?
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