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Udpated on June 18th 2009 by F of The Cafe Lounge.
Top 5 mostly posted in Unions: (With % of over all posts which is 32,926)
- The Cafe Lounge(+ 9708 ) 29%
- The Gotei 13 union Board (+ 7889) 24%
- The Nintendo All-Stars union Board (+ 5116) 15%
- The Toonami Union Board (+ 2674) 8%
- The Board Of Brutality (+ 1512) 4%
Now for the over all list.
- The Cafe Lounge 273,958(+ 9708 )
- Jedi Council Union (board) 235,618 (+1227 )
- World Wrestling Everything 199,771 (+ 717)
- The Gotei 13 union Board 161,033 (+ 7889)
- The Fighters Realm Union board 151,233 (+31)
- - The Naruto union board 137,243 (+719 )
- The HeadCrab Union Board 130,549 (+ 2)
- The Toonami Union Board 128,616 (+ 2674)
- The Board Of Brutality 127,155 (+ 1512)
- - The GS User Fellowship Union Board 114,826 (+ 631)
- The Halo Union Forum 110,217 (+26 )
- The Soccer Addict Union board 107,603 (+170 )
- Church and State 107,346 (+3 )
- The Nintendo All-Stars union Board 103,361 (+ 5116) +
- - The True Gamers' Asylum 99,726 -
- WOTU Board 98,311 (+ 499)
- Off the Books: Anything and Everything Hip-Hop 96,778 (+958 )
- The PLU Discussion Board 76,834 (+ 519)
- Garden of Gods75,197 (+ 94)
- - The SSU OT Realm 74,086
- Overclocking - PC Tweaking Union Boards 72,922 (+ 21)
- National Football League Union Board 70,842 (+237 )
- The Playstation Players Union board 65,837
- The Judging Gamers Union Board 62,709
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