Sorry about that Pat. Got side tracked today again. I'll make sure it gets done tomrorow tho.Well aside from the views list, there's the DS board.
J so now what is the next target? fastesttruck
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The Naruto Union is #6 according to this list which is outdated.julian_jrOnly by 3 weeks
now we just need Devvy to update the Top 25 views :P oh and when I'm done I'll just edit this topic. no point in making a new one again. hurts the TMR too much. fastesttruckHow much longer till you're done updating the list? I was much faster when I was doing the union views last year in the summer. :P
Yeah, although now it's time to move on to the next step.:o No other union moves as fast as this one, so it was just a matter of time before we would be #1. Now it's onto the main boards.It must be hard to be one of the top unions. And now you're number 1... You must be proud, julian.
The big goal/dream is to someday beat OT.julian_jrWe are gonna need a lot more help to even get half of OT tho :P We don't have 10% of them yet.
Now to get a topic that is also bigger than the JCU :P That would really upset them I bet :P fastesttruckhow big is there biggest topic?
yea I see that now :P maybe it will get them some desire back to post more again. fastesttruckI would like to have some competition from another union. :P In the views list it's more interesting since some unions like Toonami and OTB will still give this place a close race each time, but in posts there is no other place that even comes close. I saw that they are mad. :P
What do you mean static? stored? I wonder if this place is ever going to get to a Million posts. fastesttruckStatic means staying in place, the opposite of dynamic.
Yeah, I'll look forward to the views one more since it'll be much more interesting.julian_jrIt's great man, but it might less exciting because everyone is really close.
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