^ You and I should unite as brothers and find a way to rely on ourselves for happiness. :PNoteldnepwhat do you mean, Onii-chan? :o
[QUOTE="megamannt123"]i haven't been consistent over all 5 years so my count will probably show up strange :P2ndWonderi see. well i still think you have a high enough post count :P and if you keep posting here, that number will skyrocket.I think the same could also be said for me. :P
[QUOTE="Noteldnep"]^ You and I should unite as brothers and find a way to rely on ourselves for happiness. :Pmegamannt123what do you mean, Onii-chan? :oMaybe he wants us to all be one happy family! :o
looks like i get 75.26 posts a day (going within approx. a 2-year period when i started posting a lot)megamannt123You're about to pass me!:o
[QUOTE="papermariofan57"]76.5 posts per day now!papermariofan57I don't know how it's still high.:P
wow that is a high number dudeÂ
weren't we already though? :Pmegamannt123I guess so... we are still one big happy family! Let's celebrate with a nice warm toasty fire!
[QUOTE="papermariofan57"]76.5 posts per day now!papermariofan57I don't know how it's still high.:PMaybe its because you're one of the Posting GS Titans? :P
i think i have gone down, only got 16.4 nowThe_Last_RideHa ha, my posts per day is higher than yours. XD
[QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"]i think i have gone down, only got 16.4 nowToph_Girl250Ha ha, my posts per day is higher than yours. XD well i have been here 4 years longer than you :3
[QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"][QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"]i think i have gone down, only got 16.4 nowThe_Last_RideHa ha, my posts per day is higher than yours. XD well i have been here 4 years longer than you :3This ain't a competition!
[QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"][QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"]Ha ha, my posts per day is higher than yours. XDToph_Girl250well i have been here 4 years longer than you :3This ain't a competition! you started it, i finished it :3
[QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"][QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"][QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"]Ha ha, my posts per day is higher than yours. XDThe_Last_Ridewell i have been here 4 years longer than you :3This ain't a competition! you started it, i finished it :3I'm gonna finish you! :twisted: Play chess with me, I'll cream you.
[QUOTE="megamannt123"]*looks around* i don't think so :PToph_Girl250But we did enter Random Ville. *whispers to you* it's weird here :P
[QUOTE="megamannt123"]*whispers to you* it's weird here :PNoteldnepBut you've been a regular visitor for a while. :Pi'm part of the underground rebellion :P
[QUOTE="megamannt123"]i'm part of the underground rebellion :PNoteldnepI see. ;) Being underground allows lots of productive demos to happen (PlayStation underground reference lol).i don't believe i've heard of that before :P
i don't believe i've heard of that before :Pmegamannt123When the PSOne was out, there was a service you could subscribe to called PlayStation Underground and you would get mailed demo discs when they made new ones to see what games you liked and might want to buy. It was a cool service.
[QUOTE="megamannt123"]i'm part of the underground rebellion :PNoteldnepI see. ;) Being underground allows lots of productive demos to happen (PlayStation underground reference lol).Underground? Reminds me of Tony Hawk's Underground 1 and 2, great games. :P
[QUOTE="Noteldnep"][QUOTE="megamannt123"]i'm part of the underground rebellion :PToph_Girl250I see. ;) Being underground allows lots of productive demos to happen (PlayStation underground reference lol).Underground? Reminds me of Tony Hawk's Underground 1 and 2, great games. :P I agree 100%, love the older Tony Hawk games, yes I like skateboarding games.
Yeah me too, those are about the only types of Sports games I like playing (although if you ask me, skateboarding isn't really that much of a sport, at least imo.) Though I do also like Games such as Mario Golf and Mario Tennis for the N64.Toph_Girl250Love those games as well.
@Paper: only cause you're busy :P @Note: i'm fine with that ^^ @Toph: yeah, fire ^^megamannt123A transformation could take place in summer:twisted:
[QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"]Yeah me too, those are about the only types of Sports games I like playing (although if you ask me, skateboarding isn't really that much of a sport, at least imo.) Though I do also like Games such as Mario Golf and Mario Tennis for the N64.mitu123Love those games as well.I used to play Mario Golf a lot when I was younger, another good nostalgia game.
[QUOTE="megamannt123"]@Paper: only cause you're busy :P @Note: i'm fine with that ^^ @Toph: yeah, fire ^^papermariofan57A transformation could take place in summer:twisted:It won't be long before I transform into an Elite Poster.
[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="Toph_Girl250"]Yeah me too, those are about the only types of Sports games I like playing (although if you ask me, skateboarding isn't really that much of a sport, at least imo.) Though I do also like Games such as Mario Golf and Mario Tennis for the N64.Toph_Girl250Love those games as well.I used to play Mario Golf a lot when I was younger, another good nostalgia game. Yep, I played that with friends even, good times.
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