Still not entirely sure what your question is asking, but I'll do what I can.
Since the Wii game will doubtlessly have interconnectivity with OoE, we -may- be seeing glyphs returning in the Wii game. I say this because, honestly, I can't think of any other way for interconnectivity beyond Glyph-Trading. This could mean that we'll see the Order become something of a major player.
and actually, I can see EXACTLY how it would work too. Remember St. Germain?
In OoE: He appears as something of a quest deliverer or hint bringer or something. Once you beat the game, he will inform you that there is a great battle happening some 150-odd years in the future, and she can aid by donating her glyphs.
In CVWii: (Since he did say he was going to the future to see the great battle and all) He aids Julius and Co., and at various points in the game, allows you to trade glyphs only found in CVWii to OoE, in exchange for Glyphs only found in OoE.
Basically, they get glyphs that aren't normally available in the game, which can be used to unlock side quests, or just be awesome fun.
Control wise, I'm hoping we could see use of the Sideways Wiimote, so we could have an entirely 2D game work well. D Pad moves around, 1 and 2 are for attacking, A is jump, B is...I dunno, the equivilent of R?
Now, if it was on the PS360, we'd have quite a bit of different things to look for. Much larger game, better visuals, etc. Better battle system as well, I'll bet, with access to all those extra buttons.
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