NOTE: this game is to be consider different from the alucard game announce on TGS by IGA. posted here
SPOILER WARNING: Below you would find all news that we find about the game that is now in develope. This thread is NOT spoiler free you would find at some point, story-relate, charactes, screeshots, clips...
Castlevania .
Castlevania: Lord of Shadows
Released date: October 5, 2010 (NA) and October 7, 2010 (EU) and October 8, 2010 (UK) sources: NA and EU and UK .. Thus Konami says this are speculations (SPECULATIONS, NO LONGER!!!)
Deecember 16, 2010 JP (confirmed by trailer shows at TGS 2010)
System: PS3 and Xbox360
Reviews: to come
Gabriel Belmont: a holy knigt part of the Brotherhood of Light.
Marie Belmont: Gabriel`s dead wife.
Zobek: Gabriel`s mentor
Pan: a guide to gabriel?
Claudia: ....
The Abbot Dorin: ???
Necromacer: (a note in JP HIDEO Kojima himself would do the voice for this lil one)
DEATh: ....
?Dracula (rumors by voice in the extended trailer - link below- )
Enemies: swordmaster, werewolf, Golem, Ogre, Pixies (no sure if this is an enemy), Lady of the forest (?boss vs the voice that describe the mask as powerfull), wolf, skeletons, zombie,Knight Armor, ... and MANY New and FAMILIAR enemies!!!!
I quote the Interview with Cox at Cologne linked below: "It doesn't follow any Castlevania timeline, says Cox, because Konami didn't want to limit the potential audience to the truly hardcore. As it stands, the story unfolds inside a bubble of the Castlevania universe so that anybody can understand it regardless of their experience or history with the series."
" Takes plays during the end of days you must bring balance to a world plagued by undead souls and evil creatures. Gabriel, a holy knight beloging to the Botherhood of Light would be guided by the soul of his dead wife... and hold the the "Combat Cross" .." - source August issue of GameInformer.
"My wife Maria was murdered by the evil that roams this land,....." .... "The mask is a powerfull device" "Can it really bring the dead back?" .... - extracted from the NEW trailer linked below.
"The story itself will be told via more than an hour of cinematics, the longest of which lasts upward of 14 minutes, according to the producer." from IGN interview, linked below.
* Combat Cross (the whip) as your main weapon. The clasics subweapons, as knives, holy water. You would collect orbs to upgrade the Combat Cross and subweapons. Also Light and Dark magic for attack and defense.
* Great enphasis on platforming and enviromental naviagation, where the whip would also be use to hold object and pull Gabriel up/swim.
* Will feature no just enemies and allies, but animals and human (?unclear if we would interact with last 2 or they would be just part of enviroment/story) Same with Gabriel riding a horse and a eagle (?part of gameplay)
* With FIFTY Levels to complete where you would find reference to the 8 and 16 bit era. Also would have the the option - SotN-like to go back and get a 200.6%!!!! More linear gameplay, Cox refer to it as more the sty/e of Super CV4, than the recents releases (no metroidvania). But despict being linear areas will open-up for exploration. And the game would have traps and environment-based puzzles, given the game a great mix.Â
* No quick sequence confirmed, the battles with the "Titans" is based on pure plataforming: "getting from one point to the next and attack" better explain by gameradar interview linked below when they asked Cox...
You've said bosses are a focus, but fights won't be dominated by Quick Time Events (QTEs). Can you give us an example of how Gabriel might fight a Titan-sized boss?The Ice Titan from the trailer is a real-time combat and platforming experience. You climb the Titan's arm by using the Combat Cross's Grip ability. He punches the ice in the lake to try to smash you and gets his fist stuck, so you take the opportunity to latch on.The surface of the Titan has gripping points, allowing you to make your way to one of the runes that animate the creature. Stab the rune with the Combat Cross and you'll destroy it. The Ice Titan will then try to swat you off, but this allows you to swing from one hand to the other.Break the Titan's chest rune, and it'll reel in pain, allowing you to swing from the Titan's chin, over his shoulder and onto his back. Climb across, but beware of falling debris and the Titan swatting you away. Climb onto his head to find the final rune. Problem is the Titan will try to knock you off and shake his head to dislodge you. But… well, there are some more surprises, but that's basically how the Titan fights work.It's a stage in itself where you have to use all of your platforming abilities to get to the runes. Everything is in real time and there are no QTEs in these Titan fights. You go from point A to B, but on a gigantic enemy. Oh, and the Ice Titan is the smallest Titan in the game
* The enemies will be familiar to all Castlevania fans with the clasics werewolf and vampires; and the addition of figures as the Ice Titans. Also enemies and bosses will attack the character in real-time as show by some cutscene in the trailer.
* Control scheme (they use ps3 as example), quoted from IGN interview:Â "Gabriel is manipulated with the controller's analog stick; right stick function uncorfimed. Square is for short-range directional attacks; triangle ranged attacks, X jumps, and circle uses secondary weapons like the aforementioned daggers and holy water. You won't need to worry about camera controls because the angles are fixed." Camera fixed confirmed by Cox on his twitter.
Develope by: MercuryStream Entertaiment (studio of American McGee`s and Jericho) with Kojima Productions .
Music by a Oscar Araujo, Spanish film composer; who would use clasic themes of Castlevania, which would be play by a 120 pieces orchesta. Oscar`s website
Voice acting: PLEASE take this info as RUMOR, NO OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION yet.only source is here, which did not posted original source and also confirmed some of this.
Jason Isaacs as...?main antagonist.
Robert Carlyle as Gabriel Belmont
Patrick Stewart as Zobek
Natascha McElhone as Marie.
Official Website:Castlevania Official SITEÂ
Preorder bonus:
On amazon: 20$US gift coupon for your next game.
On Gamestop: a T-shirt, which you can look in here
NEWS (lastest news 1st) (confirmed)
preview and interview with Cox
GameSpot impressions, Kotaku has NOTHING bad to say about LoS and IGN defenetly LOVED the 1st 8h of the game
Interview with Cox, DLC info also include clip of footage.
360 achievements
NA version includes the game, soundtrack, an artbook, all in an special package.The EU version is the same but instead of an artbook it has a replica of the mask.
maybe no an OCtober release
scans of GI article about the game
After impressions at Konami gamer`s day:
# JoyStiq impression
# GameSpot
The 1st North America magazine release for Lords of Shadow thanks to Game Informer! Follow the link for more info and scan of the page!!!!
Two new articles from and with 3 *NEW* pics. Follow the link for more info and the pics. ENJOY!
New article from Marca Player(?) with more details and TRANSLATION!
Interview by GameRadar
Marca Player, a magazine from Spain revealed details of the game after a exclusive interview with Cox direct IMAGE HERE and TRANSLATION of each page right below that post...
Answers by DAVE COX!!!! - roll to the 3rd post in that thread. Thx to Semi for bringing this to us from THE CHAPEL!!!
Cox give a HUGE HINT in twitter
Interviews with producer David Cox at Cologne, Germany. GamesCon, 2009. You can read it IGN's here and 1up's here.
Play-asia have it up online with description that give background/story..
 A concerning author Atonish atmosphere, but...
Kojima interview and his confirmation on his blog: Kojima afirms "support rle" says: "Konami showed off a new trailer for the game, which began with a voiceover by none other than Patrick Stewart. "My wife Maria was murdered by the evil that roams this land," Stewart says, as a castle is visible in the background and main character Gabriel -- wielding an axe -- stands in the foreground. Gabriel's armor is reminiscent of Simon Belmont's in Simon's Quest, and he proceeds to swing his way into the castle while using a whip, the aforementioned axe, and a hammer, fighting large monsters along the way." and finished the article with a question taht we all may have: "Now the only question that remains is: What happened to long-time Castlevania mastermind Koji Igarashi?"
Dave Cox, producer on the game, says that this is "a new and bold take on the Castlevania mythology. It's a fresh and radical re-imagining in a rich, open game world."Â from here, destructoid article
Great image here
One of many articles confirming the release
do we finally have a confirmation of that clip leak a while ago?? - even if the characters on the teaser and trailer are so different... Would we get any respond on E3 2009?
For videos, screenshots and previews go to the next post.*****************************************************************************************************
Thank you To all for continuing bringing updates!!!!!
If you have any informartion, rumor, link about this please post it below and I or any other staff of CUU will add it.Thank you for you cooperation.
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