More updates! There are interviews with producer David Cox, you can read it IGN's here and 1up's here.
Some highlights from the interviews:
It was intended as a Castlevania game all along (so, Lords of Shadow was NEVER rebranded as Castlevania)
Apparently Gabriel is indeed a Belmont.
No confirmation if Dracula will be here.
It doesn't follow any Castlevania timeline because Konami didn't want to limit the potential audience to the truly hardcore.
Great emphasis has been placed on platforming and environmental navigation BUT it won't be a Metroidvania game.
The masks Gabriel is seeking are called the God and Devil masks.
There will be "stylized quicktime sequences" (I suppose is something God of War-esque)
On the controls: Gabriel is manipulated with the controller's analog stick. It was suggested that the right stick is used for precise directional whip control. Whip swinging (I suppose that the SCV4 whip is back) Square is for short-range directional attacks; triangle ranged attacks, X jumps, and circle uses secondary weapons (daggers, holy water, etc).
Camera is fixed.
Weapons will be upgradable.
Music was composed by a Spanish film composer, several CV themes will be used and the music will be played by a 120 piece orchestra.
The game is 60% complete.
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