Here is the theme for the game:
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Here is the theme for the game:
[QUOTE="ultima-flare"]Here is the theme for the game:
aw c'mon not again semi :lol:Â
anyway, I like it, not love it but don't hate it... I miss the organ though :(Â
Here's his website:
awesome man.. (added to main post*
thx... and glad you join. :)
(btw: try to avoid double posting :P )
[QUOTE="semianonymous"][QUOTE="ultima-flare"]Here is the theme for the game:
aw c'mon not again semi :lol:Â
anyway, I like it, not love it but don't hate it... I miss the organ though :(Â
.... c`mon man... I liked when you were more open to this game :PÂ
yea.. the sound is different, but it sounds quite good.
@ultima: thx again.. :)
so i ask to Cox (castlevaniaLOS at twitter) the following...
@CastlevaniaLOS: can we know who is Claudia and Zobek?? they were showed in some art design. Also...
@CastlevaniaLOS any changes that you could answer question about the LoS from fans in a Union (forum) or we can gather questions? thx
@CastlevaniaLOS: btw: this is the place:
To which he replied:
@chang_1910 Characters will be introduced nearer release... Those two are important to the story but there are also others as well.
@chang_1910 which forum? Can you send me a link?
@chang_1910 lol ok let me check it out!
so if he said that he can answer I`ll let everyone know.. so we can bomb him with questions (or do the human thing and try to gather as many as he aloud :P )
oh... no sorry man.. I was talking to semi :P
I agree with the theme... is not CV amazing (but lets face it NOONE is... eg. yamane) but is OK...I just do not think that is as bad as semi says :oops: and yea... I hope that they have more organs and violin.. that is what ahve make CV music so freaking awesome and epic, even in games that sucked *coughjudgmentcough*
I'm perfectly open to the game. The music, however, is unspeakably generic and boring to me. There is absolutely zero flare to it. Its there to do a job, to be music, and thats it. It doesn't stand out even nearly as much as 90% of Yamanes work.
To put it bluntly, there are exceptionally few songs in the series that I wouldn't want to have on my play list. This is one of them.
agree... after all we are used to master pieces... for oscar to fill those shoes is going to be HARD...
David Cox replied:
@chang_1910 I like the design of your forum. Sorry but I can't do an interview at the moment. Perhaps later in the year?
to which I reply...
@CastlevaniaLOS no actually MY forum, but thx in name of everyone. Also whenever you can take a few questions from fans let us know. and... @CastlevaniaLOS we will REALLY LOVE the chance :) .. gonna keep being obssess with your blogs here for now :P
agree... after all we are used to master pieces... for oscar to fill those shoes is going to be HARD...
I'm going a bit offtopic here but, I want you all to remember that Yamane isn't the only one grand composer that has served Castlevania, how about this intro and Yuzo Koshiro's great work in PoR.
my point is... you are ABSOLUTELY right chang, mr. oscar has some BIG shoes to fillÂ
oh yea... BIG shoes.. (and no OT, we are discussing how amazing is CV music and oscar as nice his music sound (I agree with semi is not epic, so far.. but I disagree with the yawn :P )
that intro was AMAZING..
After all music IS CV, even games that I`m trying to forget *coughjudgmentcough* had GREAT music.. I mean THAT intro... AMAZING!!! (I do not hate the game, just irritates me taht is a fighting.. 1 I do not like that gerne, 2 they make a bad one of that :P )
I'd make the analogy to FFXII to other FFs. It has a great soundtrack, but nothing "catchy" like Uematsu's songs are. I imagine LoS will be the FFXII of Castlevania's, in regards to music. With that said, they are doing remixes of many classic 'vania songs(source: ListenUp from GC'09) so there is still hope for "catchiness".
Anyway, I personally think the soundtrack is in good hands based on the 2(?) songs we've heard.
My doubts with the game are with the combat...can they make it great without totally copying GoW? We'll see. I really want to see some direct gameplay footage :(. New info soon according to Coxs twitter anyway. Hopefully soon doesn't mean e3 lol.
*nods while ultima talks*
yea... "soon" in videogame have a whole different meaning :lol: ... PAX is around the corner.. I hoe they woudl say/show at least a lil tiny bit of info...
I`m also diying for some footage... specially battle footage
Regarding the "Main Theme" of LoS: Â I uploaded the theme to my youtube channel (the one ultima linked us to). Â I asked in the video that if anybody knew the song's name to share the name with me... well... I got a reply on the matter and it seems that the theme is not THE theme; it is a fan made arrangement *sigh* Â I have yet to verify this but as for now, we do NOT know the theme people :)
good news for semi I guess :lol:Â
it IS a fan made arrangement. so, credits go to Geoffrey Gunn who made the arrangement and posted it up at the castlevania dungeon forums.
Gunn made it? Wow, doesn't sound like it at all.
Either way, I really, really like how gametrailers actually used that track in a 10 top most anticipated games of 2010 countdown.
wow... that is suprising...
and polter GREAT find man...
also... you know I`m gonna as for it... source? I guess I should ask source to ultima :oops:Â
oh, haha, well, sorry, I'll link you up now,  this is the thread Gunn posted the song, it has links to it
oh and ultima, just in case, don't feel bad eh? it was an honest mistake, many were fooled by it (and still are, there are a couple of users in youtube with the song as well, saying that it is THE official one)Â
actually polter... I think that that IS the official theme... if you read GUN post:
It has also been a while since I've been productive music-wise, so I thought I'd change that. I present you all with a brand-new track from the recently "unveiled" Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. It's basically the trailer theme redone with a few changes here and there, and I added a Pipe Organ just to make it sound a little more Castlevania-ish.
is the trailer theme, but he added a pipe organ and play around with it.. on the one posted by ultima, we do not have a pipe organ and is the one use in the trailers...
now. is that the main theme? we have no confirmation yet, but is defenetely the one in the trailers... (you can go into the 1st post here and compare :) )
well... hmm... I did hear some organ in that song chang, check out the video at 1:20 and 1:43... those bits have organ in it... but ANYWAY, this is making me mad, I've had to change the description to my video a couple of times already :evil: (oh, btw, I'm using the SAME song that ultima linked, part of my talents for getting the audio out of anything :P ) so, since this is not resolved yet... when I find out for certain this is or not the theme I'll let you know *the plot thickens*
so I carefully heard the one from ultima's link, the trailer and the one from gunn's link and... ultima's and gunn's are one and the same, the organ segments that I told you about are there in both. gunn's version, when compared to the trailer, is really similar in construction, but the instruments sound different. I am going to TRY to get that song clean from the trailer, I got some ideas, if I manage to do it, I'll let you know :)
well... hmm... I did hear some organ in that song chang, check out the video at 1:20 and 1:43... those bits have organ in it... but ANYWAY, this is making me mad, I've had to change the description to my video a couple of times already :evil: (oh, btw, I'm using the SAME song that ultima linked, part of my talents for getting the audio out of anything :P ) so, since this is not resolved yet... when I find out for certain this is or not the theme I'll let you know *the plot thickens*
so I carefully heard the one from ultima's link, the trailer and the one from gunn's link and... ultima's and gunn's are one and the same, the organ segments that I told you about are there in both. gunn's version, when compared to the trailer, is really similar in construction, but the instruments sound different. I am going to TRY to get that song clean from the trailer, I got some ideas, if I manage to do it, I'll let you know :)
so.. at the end what happen with all this??
@Dark: yeap... *nods* well no maybe a instant clasic, but defenetely a good one, at least a decent 3D CV :PÂ
[QUOTE="Poltergeist86"]well... hmm... I did hear some organ in that song chang, check out the video at 1:20 and 1:43... those bits have organ in it... but ANYWAY, this is making me mad, I've had to change the description to my video a couple of times already :evil: (oh, btw, I'm using the SAME song that ultima linked, part of my talents for getting the audio out of anything :P ) so, since this is not resolved yet... when I find out for certain this is or not the theme I'll let you know *the plot thickens*
so I carefully heard the one from ultima's link, the trailer and the one from gunn's link and... ultima's and gunn's are one and the same, the organ segments that I told you about are there in both. gunn's version, when compared to the trailer, is really similar in construction, but the instruments sound different. I am going to TRY to get that song clean from the trailer, I got some ideas, if I manage to do it, I'll let you know :)
so.. at the end what happen with all this??
@Dark: yeap... *nods* well no maybe a instant clasic, but defenetely a good one, at least a decent 3D CV :P
Well the CV on the old XBOX was awesome. And that was 3D.
@Polter: ok... gotcha..
I will not go with awesome, it was a good/OK Castlevania :oops: ...
I`m actually expecting from this one to be MUCH better, no enemies respawm without variation and LOT better lvl design :)
I can't wait for this game. It looks so awesome. It will be my an instant classic.DarkHalo2010
Inherently impossible. Something cannot be an instant classic. Its like saying spontanious antique. It simply doesn't work.
anyways, logical fallicies aside, we have this brilliant fellow who says the 3D CVs were ugly, played terribly, sounded bad and lacked exploration (of which only one of those is correct. The games were quite good visually, repetition aside, played smooth as butter and sounded like a thousand angels achieving orgasm in a harmonious manner), while worshiping LoS like an IGA hater worships legends and CotM.
Also new fact: minor story spoiler
[spoiler] Mrs. Gabriel Belmont died via werewolf [/spoiler]
source: ???
Sounds like the guy hates CV series. They are not that bad IMO. The CV I've played have been perceptional good.DarkHalo2010yea... but he is workshiping LoS... way too much...
... is going to need more than graphics to make us love this game...Â
and I said before... from CV NES to SotN it was a huge evolve, this could be a huge evolve, and to me as long as they do not concentrate in fully action sequence GoW type.. I`m fine.. some of this is OK... after all THAT is how games evolve, and series stay alive into new generations... that said for some in here the game have still no show THE CASTLEVANIA FEELING... hopefully that`ll change :D
@Semi: DUDE!!! use spoilers... you know how such a freak I`m about it... :( ... and also... source for those beat of great info??? :D Thx
yea... but he is workshiping LoS... way too much...[QUOTE="DarkHalo2010"]Sounds like the guy hates CV series. They are not that bad IMO. The CV I've played have been perceptional good.chang_1910
... is going to need more than graphics to make us love this game...
and I said before... from CV NES to SotN it was a huge evolve, this could be a huge evolve, and to me as long as they do not concentrate in fully action sequence GoW type.. I`m fine.. some of this is OK... after all THAT is how games evolve, and series stay alive into new generations... that said for some in here the game have still no show THE CASTLEVANIA FEELING... hopefully that`ll change :D
@Semi: DUDE!!! use spoilers... you know how such a freak I`m about it... :( ... and also... source for those beat of great info??? :D Thx
Yea. i totally agree, chang. It will need improvements in all areas of the game, not just the graphics.
Right, sorry Chang. Figured it was pretty minor, but I'll (remember how to) use the spoiler thing for my next update.
Also, it was from his twitter page
EDIT: The source for the 2nd post is his twitter page. First post's spoilers is in the "I haet everything but lurve Lawds" article.
Well i hope it's an improvement too. god damn enemies respawn is such a pain in the @ss :PDarkHalo2010
This important to collecting items and leveling in the Metroidvania versions. They have created an alternate formula with this one, where enmies drop almost all the time instead of having to grind to get what you want. I am sure there will still be plenty of enemies to level even without respawning. :)
its a joke. I've been demanding a minimum of five sex scenes in Lawds and getting the wincest fetish should get us some awesome salessemianonymous
Haha! :lol: Well, there is a proven fact in sells. :P
[QUOTE="chang_1910"]yea... but he is workshiping LoS... way too much...[QUOTE="DarkHalo2010"]Sounds like the guy hates CV series. They are not that bad IMO. The CV I've played have been perceptional good.DarkHalo2010
... is going to need more than graphics to make us love this game...
and I said before... from CV NES to SotN it was a huge evolve, this could be a huge evolve, and to me as long as they do not concentrate in fully action sequence GoW type.. I`m fine.. some of this is OK... after all THAT is how games evolve, and series stay alive into new generations... that said for some in here the game have still no show THE CASTLEVANIA FEELING... hopefully that`ll change :D
@Semi: DUDE!!! use spoilers... you know how such a freak I`m about it... :( ... and also... source for those beat of great info??? :D Thx
Yea. i totally agree, chang. It will need improvements in all areas of the game, not just the graphics.
The guy who wrote the article did bring up some good points about certain aspects of the series. However, there are many things he said I did not agree with. A lot of that seemed very opionated instead of factual and that kinda pisses me off about the article in general. :evil: I don't understand why some of these writers have to slam the series to promote the new game. What is so wrong with saying that CV has been a great series and has always had a very large and loyal fan base......???????? Just because they are making changes to better 3D gameplay, appeal to more fan-types, and make it something fresh that we will all (old and new skool CV gens) enjoy doesn't mean the series sucked up until now. That is the way he makes it sound......grrrrrrr!!!!! :evil:
Great find semi on both the article and the storyline update! :D :D :D
With the music, we just have to wait until we can hear the full soundtrack before we can really pass judgement. I personally liked the "main theme" song.
[QUOTE="DarkHalo2010"]Well i hope it's an improvement too. god damn enemies respawn is such a pain in the @ss :Pe1shw
This important to collecting items and leveling in the Metroidvania versions. They have created an alternate formula with this one, where enmies drop almost all the time instead of having to grind to get what you want. I am sure there will still be plenty of enemies to level even without respawning. :)
its a joke. I've been demanding a minimum of five sex scenes in Lawds and getting the wincest fetish should get us some awesome salessemianonymous
Haha! :lol: Well, there is a proven fact in sells. :P
[QUOTE="chang_1910"]yea... but he is workshiping LoS... way too much...[QUOTE="DarkHalo2010"]Sounds like the guy hates CV series. They are not that bad IMO. The CV I've played have been perceptional good.DarkHalo2010
... is going to need more than graphics to make us love this game...
and I said before... from CV NES to SotN it was a huge evolve, this could be a huge evolve, and to me as long as they do not concentrate in fully action sequence GoW type.. I`m fine.. some of this is OK... after all THAT is how games evolve, and series stay alive into new generations... that said for some in here the game have still no show THE CASTLEVANIA FEELING... hopefully that`ll change :D
@Semi: DUDE!!! use spoilers... you know how such a freak I`m about it... :( ... and also... source for those beat of great info??? :D Thx
Yea. i totally agree, chang. It will need improvements in all areas of the game, not just the graphics.
The guy who wrote the article did bring up some good points about certain aspects of the series. However, there are many things he said I did not agree with. A lot of that seemed very opionated instead of factual and that kinda pisses me off about the article in general. :evil: I don't understand why some of these writers have to slam the series to promote the new game. What is so wrong with saying that CV has been a great series and has always had a very large and loyal fan base......???????? Just because they are making changes to better 3D gameplay, appeal to more fan-types, and make it something fresh that we will all (old and new skool CV gens) enjoy doesn't mean the series sucked up until now. That is the way he makes it sound......grrrrrrr!!!!! :evil:
Great find semi on both the article and the storyline update! :D :D :D
With the music, we just have to wait until we can hear the full soundtrack before we can really pass judgement. I personally liked the "main theme" song.
Well by the sounds of it, he ain't a big CV fan anyway. So in any case he can go to hell, because we all know it's gonna rock right ? As for the respawning of enemies and other glitches. No game is perfect so you're bound to find some small things wrong with the game, i just hope it ain't enough to wreck the game in general. The last 3D CV game i played was curse of Darkness and that seemed ok. I also don't mind if it was 3D or side view. Both types are great and are different in their own ways. But the one thing that bothers me is when is it gonna be out? .....
@ Chang - Sounds like you blew a fuse girl :P go and lay down before you fall down. lol
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Hugh Ja$s image
Taken from someone on the anti-chapel
from what i managed to read... since the small print is unreadable,
they mark again that is not devil may cry or god of war, that there will be combats and also more quiet parts in the game, that there will be tons of plataforms, that supercastlevania IV is the bible of Cox, that originaly this game was going to be a remake of castlevania I, but since it was already done they wanted to do something different, that plataformer would feel something similar to uncharted 2 (never played the game so no clue), the thing that they most liked of the castlevanias games prior to SCVIV was the plataforms, where the chain could be used to travel the castle, that they were aiming to recreate the hack 'n slash of the older games, and it will have combat parts, yes, like god of war...
probably a more complete translation will be put in the dungeon.. but seriously, that small print gave me headache (and i zoomed the pic) and there was some words i couldn't understand anyway... still, is only the first paragraph of teh interview... so i guess sthat more to come
Originally a remake of CV1.
holy crap. I don't know if I'm rehyped or not, but I'm certainly interested. Gabes armor is also explained
I've been able to read it! I'll translate it ASAP and post it here, be on the watch!
Here you go, a translation of that page! Its basically what you said on your post but... well, anyway, here it is:
A man enters a castle and fights with his whip against monstrous creatures to save his girl from the fangs of Dracula. We can add anything we want to build the biggest vampire story ever told like we said on our last issue but in essence, that is Castlevania. "We are not doing God of War, we are not doing Devil May Cry, we like those games and we admire them but when Castlevania Lords of Shadow gets out people will clearly see that it is not the same game" says Dave Cox, the one responsible for the game at Konami. "It is darker; we recurred in creating an atmosphere. Yes, we have action, but we also have more calm parts because the game as a huge platforming component, a lot of puzzles and a touching story", he affirms.
The game's producer says, almost whispering, that Lords of Shadow in reality was going to be a remake of the first: "when we sat down to plan what we were going to do, we decided it was going to be a remake of the original Castlevania. The protagonist was going to be Simon Belmont and the concept was to remake the story of the first game. We then saw that has already been done because Super Castlevania IV was already a remake of the original. We thought that it made no sense doing something that had already been done: and the proposal was to re-launch the saga from its essence."
"Super Castlevania IV is my Bible", says Cox. "If you remember, you used the chain to grab stuff, balance, jump... this is the basic concept: platforms were the base for those games on which we traveled hallways and more hallways inside the vampiric castles. We have played all of the old games from the series, before Super Castlevania IV and we asked what makes us like that games so much" and that platforming component and hack n slash turned into the epicenter of Konami's new creature. "The idea is to remake the c l a s s i c hack n slash of the 8 and 16 bits... but in three dimensions."
Think of platforms like Uncharted 2, impossible jumps and an indiscriminate use of the whip to grab stuff and to go from one place to the other. Add to that a deep combat system, yes like God of War, and a good dose of puzzles...
If you get more pages give em to me!!!!
JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!
how did that went from a remake of CV1 to what it is?!?!?!?! me like it... and I always being hyped.. so now *explotes*
gabriel looks so fanservice hot ... :P
If I get out of work tomorrow in a decent time I`ll try t hunt the issue, if not I could do it over the weekend...
@Polter: Thx for translating :P
@Ice: I can not actually say much about UC2.. I tried the 1st.. and played like 10min, did not got my attention and back then I was in the "no-need-to-get-myself-into-another-serie" so ....
STILL WARMED form Cox twitter:
Castlevania LOS is a CG free zone.Everything we have shown including the trailers is in game and rendered using the game engine. Official!!3:33 AM Feb 17thfrom webÂ
@JpCVfan All cut scenes are done using the games engine and yes, we have a bestiary which has many details to inform and help the player2:23 AM Feb 17thfrom Tweetie in reply to JpCVfan
@JpCVfan She is a dark haired beauty, so be happy! :)2:20 AM Feb 17thfrom Tweetie in reply to JpCVfanÂ
as replied to.... @CastlevaniaLOS Mr Cox, please tell us, Marie is not blonde, please, ........
Nice. Well-made in-engine cutscenes is something I can really appreciate.Icemael
it seems that LoS may grown on you :P
I`m asking COX if he would show anything of LoS at PAX East... hopefully he will answer :) .. and if is YES... well.. we will have clips as soon as I can get hold of a pc after the show :P
EDIT: well.. he replied:
@CastlevaniaLOS: I`m going to PAX EAST in boston, mainly dreaming to see LoS there.. any chances of this becoming reality?about 1 hour agofrom web in reply to CastlevaniaLOS
@chang_1910 Sorry nope :(19 minutes agofrom Tweetie in reply to chang_1910
and I replied:
@CastlevaniaLOS: *cries* ... :( .. can you tell us when NA can/would be hearing more... only EU/spain is having the scoops *cries*3 minutes agofrom web in reply to CastlevaniaLOS
will check if answer tomorrow...
good night ppl...
Reading all of this is just assuring me that this is going to be a GREAT game. :D As I said before, I trust Konami to do us right. They know what the hardcore and general CV fans expect, and also the fact that previous 3-D CV games have been good or maybe even a little above good at best. So, they know that they have to put something out there that is going to attract everyone (all gamer types) and it HAS to be an epic CV game. A new stepping-stone in the series toward future titles for next-gen systems and if re-hashing or re-telling stories from a different angle or aspect is just fine by me. :D :D :D
Just please, please, please Konami DO NOT forget about the handheld titles!!!!!!!! :?
Thanks to Polter for translation and chang for the twitters! :)Â
It's funny because some days before the interview I was thinking to my self that a 3D CV should have platforming, the 2D CV's were like 75% platforming! :lol: I'm happy I saw that word in the interview :P Now, I just hope SOMEONE could find the rest of the article :(
[QUOTE="Icemael"]Nice. Well-made in-engine cutscenes is something I can really appreciate.chang_1910it seems that LoS may grown on you :POh, don't get me wrong. I still think it will fail miserably as a Castlevania game; however, when I think of it as 'a game' rather than 'a Castlevania game', I'm very excited for it.
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