Alucard (CV) and Alucard (Hellsing)
Though I've never watched much anime I'd say Alucard would want to know why the hell his name was stolen in Hellsing.
Also not knowing which is older I'd say it doesnt matter since Alucard is Dracula backwards so he deserves it more. :P
Alucard (CV) and Alucard (Hellsing)
Though I've never watched much anime I'd say Alucard would want to know why the hell his name was stolen in Hellsing.
Also not knowing which is older I'd say it doesnt matter since Alucard is Dracula backwards so he deserves it more. :P
if you'd watch it, you would have a very good idea to why his name is Alucard.
for my answer, i'd go with Dracula and Indiana Jones...that would be an awesome movie where he goes to Dracula's castle to find a valuable treasure before a bunch of nazis do. and he is all set to go, he has the whip(thats the VK from when the belmonts couldnt wield it i believe)
I figured that but I don't care for Anime's to be honest. lolSupaMarioPlumma
then, that makes sense haha. if you want to know...[spoiler] he is actually Vlad/Dracula...but when he lost to the hellsings, they turned him into a weapon to fight freaks/ they started calling him alucard [/spoiler]
another idea i had was Juste vs. Fabio and the battle of the Long-Haired Ones
I do not think we are playing this as omega intended but oh well... is fun anyway.. (if you wanted fix omega is your game, your call :P )
@Semi: you stole my 2 characters :lol: but..
ANY BELMONT (specially simon) to Indy:
"yea, you have had that whip longer, but my is a lot cooler"
*Plumma: nah... they would just go...
Alucard from CV: so you are the great alucard that helps humans..
Alucard from hellsing: ... yea... and you the song of ... that helps human...
Alucard CV... yea.... (indeference actitude)
Alucard Hellsing.... ..... (same actitude)
both face back to each other and walk away..
:P :lol:
@DJ: I would really have to look for who is kamina :oops:
Dracula: so, you seek the Chalice of Vlad, the great wine glass i like to throw at my enemies before a huge fight in which i lose?
Indiana: yeah, thats right, i hear you have broken a few already, im here to get the rest...They belong in a Museum, not on the ground for persophone to clean up
Dracula: well, i suggest you come back when i have a a garage sale, every few hundred years my Demon Glass Blowers make new designs so i throw out my old ones.
Indiana: uh...really, its that easy? hmmm...i have to think about this, if you are practically giving them away...they arent that great and they probably dont belong in a museum.
Dracula: WHAT!?!?! are you kidding!? dont they know who i am?
Indiana: uh yeah, obviously a big fool who keeps coming back to life to get laughed at
Dracula: how dare you! do you see a gift shop around here? the only way to get one is through me
Indiana: oh wonder why there are no nazis here, this guy is annoying. probably talked them to death..
:) * clap clap clap Hush has the right idea... all he needed to do was name a Castlevania character and whatever other character to keep the ball rolling :pOmegaAce1313
sorry, i put in Dracula and Indiana Jones as the third when i read what you an chang wrote...i added that!
***EDIT*** oh i get it...its seems like im learning how to read again. the next two characters will be Simon and Ace Ventura
@DJ: I would really have to look for who is kamina :oops:chang_1910And you call yourself an anime fan.
Simon slowly approaches Dracula's castle, only to run into Ace Ventura, who just left the castle...
Ace Ventura " Do NOT go in there "
Simon Belmont " .........? "
Alucard and Chuck Norris ( sorry, I wanted to get ol' Norris out of the way)
Chuck Norris: So, you're a girl right?
Alucard: NO!! dont you know who my dad is?
Chuck Norris: Yeah, i used him as my punching back in the 2nd grade
Alucard: whats your problem man?
Chuck Norris: i have no problem, i just hate your fashion sense
Alucard: what? this is common, do you know what time frame you're in? are you even in this time? you shouldnt even be born yet?
Chuck Norris: DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! i do whatever i want. and if you want people to take you have to dress like a Texas Ranger and learn Karate!
*2 days later
Alucard: Chuck Norris sir...these denim jeans make kicking hurt my legs, and this shirt is tucked in too tight...this cowboy hat is too big for my head, and these snake skin boots are killer...and i cant believe you cut my hair and dyed it to look like yours.
Chuck Norris: you could at least say Thank You.
now. Juste and Ronald Mcdonald
Juste: *stares blankly*
Ronald: what the **** are you lookin at punk?
Juste: your a nice lady.
Ronald: your just jealous that you can't handle all this manliness in one room.
Juste: *stares blankly*
Ronald: What? what is your problem little man?
*the king, who has been behind ronald for ten mins throws a flaming hot sandwich onto ronalds face*
Juste: burger king is better. b****.
Hammer and Andy Milonakis
[QUOTE="chang_1910"]@DJ: I would really have to look for who is kamina :oops:DynamicJumpIuffAnd you call yourself an anime fan.
:cry: ok.. I look him up...I guess I would watch taht one after all.... now...
@hush and xemnas: :lol: :lol: OMG.. ROFLMAO...
I can not add any conversation now.. but I had to say how funny that was... I had tears in my eyes.. :lol:
LOL!!!!! that is exactly what i was imagining!!!!
Doppleganger: Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a spiderpig does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't cuz hes a pig.
Homer: Doh! thats my line.
Doppleganger: Why you little... *ensues choking homer*
Homer: hegagurkgurk.... lolgaontgl...
Doppleganger: No one will ever know... *as he dumps homers body into the toilet to flush it*
Doppleganger: OH NO! BART!!! what did i tell you about flushing fat old men down the toilet?
Maxim and Sub-Zero
maxim: im cooler then you
sub zero: .............
Maxim : you look ridiculous blue is so not cool anymore
sub zero: ..............
Maxim: i bet your not even very strong either
sub zero procedes to freeze maxim and then in a ba way kick his head off
Richard Simmons: OK LADIES!!! are you ready to work out to jazz?
Nathan: uhhhh, im a guy, you're confusing me with alucard or isaac...
Richard: whatever, you're here to party right?
Nathan: how did i end up here again?
Ricahard: you came here to JAZZERCISE, so all you need is the short shorts
Nathan: WHAT!?!?
*Ricard chases Nathan with a pair of short shorts...
Nathan: Get AWAY FROM ME crazy little man
Richard Simmons: come back here, dont you want to go for a drink later?
Next: Carmilla and Captain Crunch
:lol: *claps
Captain Crunch: Hello, would you like to try my new Crunchberries?
Carmilla: I don't know... I will have to ask my master...
Captain Crunch: Aww c'mooon, it doesn't cut the roof of your mouth this time :D
Carmilla: Never mind... I forgot that it does that... I don't want any.... and could you stop smiling at me like that? Wait.. why are your eyebrows on your hat?
Captain Crunch: :D
Trevor Belmont and Will Sasso
haha, i forgot how his cereal will cut you up hahahahaha, nice.
Trevor: Hey, you're will sasso right?
Will: uh, yeah
Trevor: OMG i loved you on MADtv!
Will: yeah, i had a good run with it
Trevor: im on tv too ya know?
Will: Really? what show?
Trevor: i am the STAR of Castlevania
Will: thats not a show, thats just a game
Trever: listen here, going to go defeat the undead...and then im going to make YOU DEAD
Count Dracula and Count Chocula
:lol: :lol: OMg,, this thread was a great idea.. :lol:
Simon and Liquid Pluma...Plumma and Hector.. Hector and Simon...
Simon: why are you looking me like that??
Plumma: .....
Simon: hey.. you... you...
Plumma: you are a soldier, you should wear better uniform.. have more respect.. look at snake..
Simon: .....
Plumma: what??
Simon: what should I do with the whip??
Plumma: oh keep that... THE WHIP is just cool.. I do not think that ppl would care about you without the whip..
Simon: .... *purple cloud over his head* .... *melt to floor*
Hector get into the room...
Hector: Hey.. what happen?? Simon?? pokes him...
Plumma: .....
Hector: what?? what is with the look??
Plumma: I would not get into this again..
*Plumma leaves*
*Simon wake up*
Simon: .....
Hector: ....
Simon: so why Isaac gets all the lady love?? I have red hair..
Hector: at least you have that... I`m like #5 on the lady list..
Simon: some like you..
Hector: My body is better.... Do you want to see??
Simon: .... :|:roll: that may be the problem...
Hector: .....
*awkard silent*
*isaac and paper Mario come in*
(keep it rolling, and of course do not have to be on the same lines)
Isaac: man, can a guy get some suspenders here? god, now im gonna have fix.
*he looks around making sure no-one is around him while he tries to fix his pants problem
Paper Mario: *italian accent: oh my, you'sa need to keep your pants on, you're making me bleed ragu from a nose
Isaac: what!?!?!?! WHO'S THERE!?!?!
*Isaac is unaware that he cant see paper mario from the sides
Isaac: god, is that you? im sorry...i will try to keep my pants on, forgive me! go!?!
Paper Marion: No! It'sa Me, MARIO!
Isaac: Where are you?
Paper Marion: Imma Right here you pervert!
Dante Sparda and Juste
Dante: OMG... i must be under some serious stress here Juste... i woke up this morning, and like, looked in the mirror, and like, my hair was all like white! ya know?
Juste: No Dante, its always been that way. You just suffer from Memory Loss Majoris. you forget every major thing that has ever happened to you. over, and over, and over, and over again.
Dante: So your saying, my hair is white because of something that i don't remember?
Juste: Do you remember that party that Lucifer and Dracula threw a while back?
Dante: Yea
Juste: Well, Isaac spiked your root beer.
Dante: oh no... the freaky pants guy?
Juste: no, no. the other one
Dante: whew.... ok so what happened then.
Juste: well.... Captain Falcon, Nathan, Deathborn, Dracula, and myself thought it would be funny to dip your head in peroxide.
Dante: ok....
Juste: which coincidentally, led not only to your Hair turning white for eternity, but also your problem with memory.
Dante: what problem with memory?
Yoko and Yoshi
*yoko is running away for dear life...
Yoko: oh my god, what is this place, its so weird, there are bricks, and mush rooms and pipes...did dracula have to rent a new place?
Yoshi: YOSHI!
Yoko: HELL-SPAWN!! *she tries to attack, but Yoshi is unphased
Yoshi: YOSHI!
Yoko: this demon is strong *she turns and runs from Yoshi, trying to think of a way to combat this evil
Yoshi: YOSHI!
Yoko: MY GOD! theres MORE?!?!?!?!
*as she is running, she can hear more footsteps running and hopping behind her, as she turns to look, there are more Yoshi's of different colors, she runs into a dead end
Yoshi's:*the host of Yoshi's begin to chant their dark litany... YOOOOOSHIIIIII YOOOOOOSHIIIII YOOOOOSHIIIII
Yoko: *she attacks, but the Yoshi's keep coming. Why wont you things DIE!?!
*as she begins to weaken from exhaustion from the vicious slaughter, the Green Yoshi steps forward from the crowd, opens its mouth, launching is monstrous tongue at Yoko...her screams fall silent as she pops out of yoshi as an egg...a lifeless egg
Yoshi: YOSHI!!!
maria: you look familer
vin: i was in many populer and very masculine films
Maria: oh yeah like the pacifier
vin: i was also in chronicles of ridock
maria: yeah that classic film
vin: you know what i dont need you
Juste: what!?!?! HELL NO!
Juste: BACK OFF! i just asked for directions to Draculas Castle
Hulk: You mean MY CASTLE, i German Supplex'ed that loser for his house.
Juste: are you serious?
Hulk: He snapped like a Chicken!
Juste: what are you going to do with that Place?
Hulk: oh you will see what plans i have!
*SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! Ultimate Wrestling Expose! see the Fleaman Tag-Team take on the Axe Armor and more fights!
*at the fight....Juste sitting ring-side
Juste: can you believe that Jerk, he gets a Father of the year award and he tells ME what to do?!?! he asked if i would be the girl who holds up the signs with the round number on it...good thing i talked persophone into it...
the Terminator and Axe Armor meet a Chinese Circus
tricky tricky...
Terminator: Are you Sarah Conner?
Axe: ...
Terminator: Come with me if you want to live.
*several minutes later*
*creepy ass carnival music plays, oddly enough its a circus.*
Terminator: Oh no, I have over shot our destination. I seem to have catapulted us into a future so horrible, that even the robot overlords have commited suicide.
Terminator: OOOOO!!! a circus. Your wallet. Give it to me. Now.
Axe: ....
Terminator: *takes wallet* Thank you.
*buys tickets*
Terminator: Its a good thing you had a credit card. There is no way i would ever shell out $500 per ticket.
Axe:.... dick.
Persephone and Jonathan Davis of Korn
:lol: :lol: omg.. I have :lol: so much ...
Persephone: .....
Jonathan: hey ... sexy #$@!
Persephone: can i have your panties??? *Start vacumm*
Jonathan: what?? no.. stop.. what r you doing?!!??!?! You can not h.. what i`m saying?? I DO NOT wear panties...
*start running*
*persephone follow with vacumm on and ready*
J: STAY AWAY!!! I`m a rock START!! see my cool tattos and all?? I DO not have panties.. STOP FOLLOWING me...
P: ..... I WANT THEM!!! I KNOW you ahve them...
J: .... oh right.. last night.. that girl....
*give panties*
P: ..... :D
J: I have to stop picking up chick at the street... I thouhgt this was a nice club... *runs out of "castle-club" *
Fleaman, Zombie and bunch of Willy-Wonka from the Chocolate factory...
Oompa Loompa: Oompa Loompa gobbley-doo, try a gummy bear they are like goo...
Zombie: Brainssss...BRAAIIINNNSSSSS!!!
Oompa Loompas: Oh my, those fellas look like they could use a smile, lets give them candy!
*as the Oompa Loompas get closer, they feed candy to the zombies, causing a terrible reaction....
Zombie:*munching on candy. BRAINS!!
*one zombie grabs an Oompa Loompa...
Oompa Loompas: OH MY GOD!!! that thing ate JEFF!!!
*the zombies, hyped on sugar begin to chase the Oompa eat their sugar-coated brains
Zombies: BRAINS gobble glee, Oompa Loompa brain taste sweeeeeeeeett...BRAINS
Fleaman: Let me introduce you to a factory, a candy factory of twisted delights. where Oompa Loompas are the new Lemon Heads for zombies, a factory in the Twilight ZO *zombie comes after the fleaman....OH MY GOD, Keep the ZOMBIES away
Merman Meets Mario, a meeting in the sewers
Steven Seagal: you bastards come into my village an kill my people? im gonna send you back to hell where you belong...
Legion: We are Many, We are one...
SS: so, you think you got what it takes to take down a supposedly 1/16 Japanese man who is also Karate Master...thats right, i taught Jackie Chan KARATE
Legion: We are Many, We are one...
SS: are you afraid yet? have you seen my movies? thats right, i could kill you, when i get some special affects artists in.
Legion We are Many, We are one...
*Steven runs up to Legion, and punches it, the people that form Legion fall on him...
SS: Hey! get off of ME!! you will ruin my Ponytail, it takes me three hours to make it to look this good!
*Seven is sucked into Legion, turning it into a Super Moster
Legion: We are Steven Legion...we are many, we are Seagal
Samus meets Charlotte
okay... okay... im fine...
Charlotte: as i was saying to Shanoa the other day... a man, like you, could never possibly understand what we women go through in video games. its so hard listening to gamers, day after day, say things like "man she is soo hot." and "man this B**** can't jump, i wish this were a dude, we all know they have better leg muscles" you know?
Samus: umm... girl... we got a problem here.
Charlotte: that is such a typical man. always thinking there is a problem when there is obviously not one. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?
Samus: are you mildly retarded or something?
Charolette: HOW DARE YOU!
*samus takes off her suit.*
Charolette: .... oh.
Ryu Hayabusa meets Hammer and Yoko
haha, reminded me of the time my cousin beat our jaws dropped
Hammer: Hey Pretty Lady!!
Yoko: *oh no, dont make eye contact
Hammer: HEY! whats up, i just took these pills an i feeeeeell soooo haaapy
Yoko: *how was this guy even in the military? Oh thats great, what do you want? im busy
Hammer: i've been scared to do this, but i want to see if you are busy friday night?
Yoko: uhhh, yeah. i have plans
Hammer: WHAT?!?! are you seeing someone?
Yoko: yeah, he's a great guy...he's also a
*Hammer busts out screaming...
Hammer: WHO IS THIS GUY!?!?! HE'S DEAD, you hear ME!?!?! DEA....
*a slash goes through the air, Hammer has been Halved
Ryu: hey honey...i was watching you with my ninja skills an thought he was trying to mug you.
Yoko: thank god
Dracula meets the IRS
hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
wow... this is the second funniest thread since ive joined.
okay.... here we go.
IRS Agent 1337: Mr. Dracula, you have not paid your personal property taxes in over 2000 years. we are going to have to reposes your castle.
Dracula: wait! how much do i owe?
1337: 999,999,999,999.99 gold. plus some small coverage fees, some processing fees.... oh and we can't forget your penalty fees.... those should about triple the original amount.
Dracula: ...
1337: ummm...... what are you staring at?
Dracula: oh sorry, i saw your neck... its rather nice.... anyway, how long do i have to raise the money?
1337: oh i would say about..... 4 seconds ago.
Dracula: WHAAATT?!?!!??!!!!!!
1337: im sorry sir, could you keep the shouting to a minimum.... your interfering with my recording dev...... i mean... i have a severe headache. now. can you tell me the safe combination?
Chuck E. Cheese and Carrie Fernandez
Chuckie Cheese: WELCOME ALL, have some pizza, This is a Great Place to be a Kid!
Carrie: My god...what is this place
*she looks around and sees skee ball, arcade games, and the big thing with all the balls in it.
CC: Welcome Friend!
Carrie: who are you! what minion of Dracula are you?!
CC: i just want to be your friend, have some pizza!
Carrie: Back you Large Rat Beast, i will return you to hell!
CC: watch you language, there are kids here!
Carrie: CHILDREN!!! you are scrificing children here to your dark lord?
*everyone in the restaraunt gasps...
CC: lady, calm down. Can somebody call the cops?
Carrie: you will not summon more demons foul hellspawn, prepare to die!
*she attacks Chuckie with powers...killing him in one blow
Children: Chuckie...*as they poke his lifeless body...Mr Chuckie...are you ok...can we go back to having fun now?
Carrie: OH NO! the children are under his spell! I MUST PURGE THEM!!
*screams echo through Chuckie Cheeses...
Vanilla Ice meets Nathan Graves
omg... omg...
sweet christ... that was great.... reminds me of a dead baby joke.
Ice: Aight' stop!
Nathan: ... what?
Ice: collaborate and listen, Ice is back with my brand new invention.
Nathan: okay.... what is it?
Ice: YO! it's the green machine--
gonna rock the town without bein' seen
have you ever seen a turtle Get Down?--
Slammin' Jammin' to the new swing sound
Yeah, everybody let's move--
Vanilla is here with the new Jack Groove
Gonna rock, and roll this place--
With the power of the ninja turtle bass
Iceman, ya know I'm not playin'--
Devastate the show while the turtles are sayin...
Nathan: what? sayin what?
Ice: Vanilla Ice, Yep Yep, I come in hard like a rhino
Intoxicate you so you staggle like whino
So stop trying, Girl stop crying
Vanilla Ice is selling and you people are buying
It's not me, it's my possie, Too
That's why you freaks are talking like Crazy Glue
Movin', and Groovin' trying to sing along
All through Ghetto to prove this here song
Now your amazed, by the V.I.P possie
Stepin' so hard like a German Nazi
Startled by the vases hittin' the ground
There no trip in the mind because im gettin' down
Nathan: alright man, thats it. your going back to hell.
*uses ice card*
Ice: noooo...... my only weakness.... gaaaack.....
Master Cheif meets Hammer.
Master Chief:...whoa, where am i?
Hammer: can i help you?
MC: uhhh yeah, im fighting a big war and need weapons, my ammo has run dry
Hammer: well, you came to the right man, an seeing you are military, i'll give you a discount
MC: good, what do you got?
Hammer: i got it all, i got maces, swords, axes, heck, buy thre an i will even give you a castle map, what is this? you and yur friends got to the renessaince fair? HAHAHA
Hammer: why you...*thrusts a spear into Master Chiefs gut...not so funny now are you tall guy huh?
MC: *in a sickly voice while holding the wound. howw...diid...that...happpen? im *cough wearing...armor...
Hammer: well, is your Armor Holy? cuz my spear was. and i always say if it aint holy its CRAP
MC:but...i save humanity
Hammer: well, you can do that with a wound like that now can you. tell you what...80,000 gold for this potion
MC:WHAT!?!?! thats ridiculous, it should be 100 gold
Hammer: well, you are in no position to haggle now are you
MC: you sonuva....
(i just noticed this...MC HAMMER hahaha)
Simon from American Idol meets Simon of the Belmonts
AI simon: Sing to me. Im bloody bored.
CV simon:...
AI simon: That was just awful. Utter Garbage. didn't your mother ever teach you that its rude to sing horribly? Honestly i think you just killed a baby seal.
CV simon: ... ugh.
AI simon: Thats it im going to go throw up. You have no future and i hope everything you love is incenerated in the fires of mount doom.
CV simon: *hits simon with VK*
AI simon: ooo... kinky are we... come here baby...
CV simon: * a look of absolute terror crosses his face as he realizes that he has just met the reincarnation of the dark lord.*
Kelly Clarkson meets Brauner
Brauner: *whispering to someone in the audience...She has a beautiful voice.
Brauner: i must meet this women
Kelly Clarkson: thank you for coming out to support me! good night, i love you all!
*Brauner goes backstage to meet Kelly
Brauner: you voice is so beautiful, do you want to go out for dinner? we can kill a cow, i will take the blood and you can have steaks...
Kelly Clarkson: thats ok, i used to butcher cars when i lived in my car...god you're cute
*they go on a romantic dinner on a farm..where they ate an entire cow...
Brauner: you are so beautiful....let me paint you!
members of the Belmot Clan meet the Brady Bunch
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