i was asked to make a new topic so here it is
Is as baffeled as I am as to how Kat's sig works. I mean these crazy kids and their daily updating sigs.... :lol:
Is also nice.in her sig...there is a thing saying 100/?...what does that mean?HushRongIt means 100 chapter (or episode) out of an unknown number of max chapters (or episode). This is if the manga/anime is still publishing/airing.
Should know Kat can tell the future with her high-tech sig. :? :lol: ............and "Serb" likes a good laugh too! :lol: :D **** looking at his sig reminds me that i need to rep the CUU!HushRongThere is some stuff in the works, check out graphics thread. ;)
The Death gif in his sig seem to be dancing to whatever I'm listening to. It's kind of amusing to watch. xD
is right, they mostly come out at night, unless they are some pansy toned down creature of darkness that glitter in sunlight (ugh)
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