i was asked to make a new topic so here it is
yo listen up heres a story, about a girl named Kat who lives in the blue world. And all day and all night and everything she sees is blue just like her, inside and outside.*bet you didnt know that was one of my favorite songs growing up
Revealed that Hush is one of Intel's Blue Man Crew. Also, made me LOL a lot over that pic. :lol: :lol: :lol: **The quote is originally from Monty Python and The Holy Grail, I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! :D
should know Dirty Harry is less than Blondie (the good the bad and the ugly)*i cant use the less than/greater than signs because of html!
in his sig has a picture of the one character i hate most from one piece. senor pole-nose. *thats not his real name...but i hates him
Doesn't like Usopp :(, why he cool even though he act like a chicken(though it seem he'll be pretty cool when he start wearing that Mask).
doesnt know i have caught up to her level...all is going to plan *make finger pyramid of evil contemplation...
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