i was asked to make a new topic so here it is
Will one day create a time machine and cause a time paradox that creates two identical Changs and start robbing banks as a duo.
Once convinced a class of young children that there teacher was a monster in disguise.that teacher has been missing ever since...
Trained Kangaroos to hop over fences, hop up onto apple trees, and to place apples in their tummy sacks. Thus, he created the perfect apple-theft crime ring!
Will be getting a call from me about visiting said ranch...man...i really want to play pokemon now........
Is probably wondering why everyone hasn't stop by this threadHush: Me too, wiish I had the new games.
Had a friend who invented the original Slip and Slide. That guy is now missing and Serbine pocketed all the profits...suspicious...hmmmmmmmm
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