In the last battle, Rondo of Blood and Chronicles went head to head, and in a near landslide, Rondo smashed Chronicles. Now, the time has come for another interesting battle: Bloodlines Versus Symphony of the Night.
The rules are the same. I'll list off a brief summary and my personal takes on the game, and you lot can all vote for your favorite. Feel free to post opinions as you wish, or to rebuttle opinions, or whatever. Just keep it clean. After this is over, I think I'll also host a Symphony of the Trite (title credit to the Bonus Level video)
First game to get 7 votes wins, or which ever one has the most votes after 3 days wins
I'll be doing this in (almost) chronological order, skipping Haunted Castle, Vampire Killer, Order of Shadows and NitM. Some games have been moved around slightly to have fan favorites duking it out.
Match 1: CV1 Vs CV2: SQ WINNER: CV1
Match 2: CV:A Vs CV2:BR Surprise entrant: Legends WINNER: CV:L
Match 3: CV4 Vs CV3:DC Winner: CV3: DC
Match 4: CV: RoB Vs CV X68000 (for the purpose of this, Chronicles)WINNER: RoB
Match 5: CV: Bloodlines Vs CV: SotN
Match 6: CV: L Vs CV: 64
Match 7: CV: LoD Vs CV: CotM
Match 8: CV: HoD Vs CV: AoS
Match 9: CV: LoI Vs CV: DoS
Match 10: CV: CoD Vs CV: PoR
Match 11: CV: DXC (For the purpose of this, only the remake of RoB counts. Ignore SotN and original RoB) Vs CV: OoE
The rest of the match will go fairly obviously, Winner Vs Winner
Now, on with the show.
In the Blue Corner, we have...Castlevania: Bloodlines
The Facts: Bloodlines was a unique game. Featuring two characters, it was the first (canon) game to not feature a Belmont, instead featuring the offshoots of the family, the whip weilding Morris' and the spear weilding Lecardes. John and Eric Lecarde could be played, not together but either one or the other, each with unique skills, John being more ****c while Eric is more versatile. They must travel through rather unique locals, from the ruins of Castle Dracula, to Atlantis, to the Leaning Tower of Piza, to the mighty (and trippy) Castle Prospertina. Generally well accepted, it is known for being censored heavily in europe, ranging from recoloration of zombies to removing Erics spear in the death animation. It features some interesting new tricks and interesting level design, but known for suffering from visuals and in some areas, gameplay.
IMO:To me, this is one of my favorites. Eric Lecarde (my character of choice) is a unique, fun and interesting character and well deserves the fame he has received. The game has always been rather underplayed, due to bad timing (near the end of the genesis days) and the mighty SNES overshadowing the console it was on. Unique, clever and fun, this game, to me, is one of the best games in the series.
And in the Red Corner, we have...Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
The Facts: This is the game that completely changed the series. SotN was a complete rework of the entire series, featuring the first ever non-whip wielder, adding many RPG elements and removing the linearity of the series entirely for a more explorative castle. With smooth animations, nice visuals and famous music, this game well deserves its fame. However, since we all know about the great stuff, let me concentrate on the bad. Difficulty in this game in non-existant. Completely and totally. Its one of the easiest games in the series, next to no challenge in a regular game. The Inverted Castle contains the largest amount of recycling in the entire series, literally taking the whole map, making color changes and flipping it upsidedown. The game is often cited for being incomplete, with a grate in the entrance that can be entered via glitch, the IC only having 5 tracks, and the huge number of glitches that can be found.
IMO: Ah..SotN. I'll be honest, I'm not nearly as fond of this game as I once was. I'll admit, its an amazing game, and completely revolutionary for the series. However, the more I play it, the more obvious the flaws become. The game, as I mentioned above, really feels incomplete. The Anti-Chapel, for example, requires you either morph or super jump to get to steps that are literally one or two pixels higher than you can possibly double jump, making you very succeptable to the annoying imps. The entire IC is incredibly lazy in many ways, obviously copied and pasted with slight color changes.
But the bad is oft outwayed by the good. The gameplay, the visuals, the music, the atmosphere itself, and the legendary voice acting, especially for the time, made this a complete revolution in the series. Be it good or bad, its up to you.
That mysterious area under the grate. What was it intended to be?
Well said, brave hunter
Their fate is now in your hands.
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