Instead of just creating a new topic, i decide to copy/paste the last 2-3 pages of teh story...:lol: :shock: :lol:
"..... and he was killed by Naruto and sauske thrown into battle by a giant sandwich with tentacles on it which suck up all within its belly and S*** it out whole later then the king of my face get's shot. The blood was pouring from his crisps as he clenched his sword and the story ended when a cow flew out of a barn saying two harsh words which was: "i hate" and he was destroyed into a lot of candy corn in the bleach bucket made of sick which transformed into super deadly ninja speed Known as Jutsu and fired said big beastie with Tarantulas and Cheetor, eating a mans face ;and done a poo bear imitation that sucked and he got killed by a super mech powered by horse's teeth which lit up when from the sky felt all cloudy and misty and the Sasquatch appeared and farted on chang who stabbed it's eye out with a rusty bicycle and start going hostile with Mickey Mouse after get rid of some piano wire that was used to connect belmont`s battery to charge his massively un-ordained weapon of mass penguin destruction. That destruction was only made to kill, but It somehow created a massive earthquake along the Highest point of a fault line under a celebrity named Tom Hanks who then said, what movie will I be...."
Keep going and having fun :D
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