doesnt know i gave a mercy kill so none of the vultures would try to kill alucard...and he comes OUT OF the walls to kill people as a demon now, hes not stuck in the walls
is contemplating opening a new clock tower...*more chances to plot and bring destruction to all who are against the HYDRA DOMINATUS...which reminds me, i have a cult to go make :D we are gonna take over the banks and buy everything we ever wanted
has figured out i dont like WoW, and to answer the other part, i think MMORPGs are kinda cool...but you have to sacrifice alot to put time into i try to avoid them others wise i will get hooked and not see the sun for a few weeks
doesnt know that the first time i tried Star Wars Galaxies...there was an invasion of droids...dead in 5 min. and then later, i was given insight not to get it because it went down an wasnt great anymore
how the ____? how does xenmas always know my secrets...this is going to drive me insane...i must retreat into my super-secret basement-turned-batcave that nobody knows about...oh wait...whoops
knows exactly what im going through, like that time i build a Private Military Contractor Army in Africa and we used to fight in the Whisper Wars that nobody is supposed to know about in which we got paid millions of dollars in diamonds and gold...until Cobra Commander messed up in our finacial unit...stupid jerk.
bacon floss? and people wonder why our youth are bcoming so obese...they flavor dental care products after fatty foods...whats next? cheese-burger toothpaste? mmmmmm...cheese burger....
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