To answer your question, hellz no!
The rules on gs are communist in nature, fascist in enforcement, and arbitrary in interpretation. This is why we pride ourselves on being the opposite from gs in every respect here. Although we also don't allow people to bump old threads, but it's only so researching the splendid history of our union is much easier.
well, you're not supposed to bump old threads in the DWU, but we won't suspend you for it. but we will all remind you constantly to stop once you do break the rule.
well, what is a GS level good for anyways?
The vast majority of infractions are from having too many rules and too many moderators to enforce them. They are necessary in a certain sense, but mostly they oppress people when boredom starts setting in for them.JeffSteel
yeah people take really their duty to serious like they have nothing better to do in their life.
This is the only place I post on Gamespot to be honest (occasionally on the Castlevania union........I haven't posted there in aaaages actually...) and so I haven't really noticed the overly strict moderations. Maybe the rules are there to validate the jobs of the moderators who would otherwise have much less work to do. "As a moderator, it brings me great satisfaction to suspend those who bump up an old thread. Such behaviour is not fit for this society. NOT FIT AT ALL!!!" is what I imagine goes through their heads.wonzan
Too much Oblivion.
"Stop right there criminal scum!" :PÂ
If you ever go the "major" boards - like OT or something - mods are everywhere looking at everything. You really gotta be careful there.
The DWU is like a safe haven.
[QUOTE="wonzan"]This is the only place I post on Gamespot to be honest (occasionally on the Castlevania union........I haven't posted there in aaaages actually...) and so I haven't really noticed the overly strict moderations. Maybe the rules are there to validate the jobs of the moderators who would otherwise have much less work to do. "As a moderator, it brings me great satisfaction to suspend those who bump up an old thread. Such behaviour is not fit for this society. NOT FIT AT ALL!!!" is what I imagine goes through their heads.DPumbliQ
Too much Oblivion.
"Stop right there criminal scum!" :PÂ
"But soldier, sir, I was trying to pick up the bread I just bought! I accidentally clicked on the 500GP bottle of wine! I don't even drink!"
Officer - "Are you going to come quietly? Or do I have to break your legs?"
"But I don't even want the wine! I'm giving it back! See?"
Officer - "If you know what's good for you, and if you haven't already modded your game to the point you could actually best me and my 300 friends, i recommend you press the spacebar Persian boy!"Â
[QUOTE="Mr_Buttman"]If you ever go the "major" boards - like OT or something - mods are everywhere looking at everything. You really gotta be careful there.
The DWU is like a safe haven.
i suppose i have to search for more union forums to post
Don't get me wrong, the major boards can still be a good place... but you just have to be extra careful what you say.
lol, a few months back a mod got sick of the other mods and their policies, and made a blog saying "yes the mods are extremely trigger happy and very immature". He got banned. I can't remember who it was though.
Also I gotta ask. What would happen if someone in this union actually became a gs mod? Would he be kicked instantly or would he be allowed to stay as long as he didn't moderate around here?
all your questions are over my head. i must refer all your inquiries to manbearpig!
behold! the mighty destroyer of Algore! Â
lol, a few months back a mod got sick of the other mods and their policies, and made a blog saying "yes the mods are extremely trigger happy and very immature". He got banned. I can't remember who it was though.
Also I gotta ask. What would happen if someone in this union actually became a gs mod? Would he be kicked instantly or would he be allowed to stay as long as he didn't moderate around here?
I think I know what your talking about. The mod who posted the blog was spazz, there was also another mod that got banned because he was trying to support spazz... but then it turned out to be an april fools joke and all the mods came back. It was a pretty good joke actually, plus all the time, effort, and acting they put into it was impressive.
I'm not sure about what would happen if one of us were a mod... I'm not even sure if mods are "allowed" to join unions. I think if you want to be a mod you have to apply for it, and then the admins looks all through your history and what-not to see if ur a good fit.
I didn't know it was an April Fools Joke. I'm surprised they would even do something like that, as most of the mods I know are pretty uptight about stuff like that. A few I could see doing that though, I know at least 3 of them aren't that bad.
And you can be in a union as a mod. There are a few unions where it's literally nothing but mods and admins.
[QUOTE="HFkami"]you shouldnt do jokes with that kind of stuff. DPumbliQ
GS bans.
Srs stuff.Â
I havent been modded in a while now.Haha nothing really. I guess I have been lucky in joining unions that don't contain people who mod me. :P although my last mod was for posting a simple and lonely, "Lol". It is quite funny to think back on it. :Pyou're getting soft mitz. what happened to you?
that great big forum has some pretty tight moderators. not a bad thing, but they have threads that are 200 pages long and longer because they don't like people starting new threads. AND they are very studious about removing OT and slightly OT threads to the 'proper forum'.
which is why i like this place. we don't.
Mods can join unions cuz the Jedi Council Union had a mod who was an active member of that union. He modded me for posting a rather offensive haiku in which I questioned the sexuality of another member.harden007
Questioning the sexuality of a member in a Star Wars union. :P
i got someone modded!!!! bwahahahahaha! well what happened is i went to the Shogun user reviews or some other game and this guy gave the game a 4.5 and said it was great fun and everyone should play it in his brief. then the entire post was all the cheats to unlock everything. so i reported him as posting without a spoiler alert.Â
granted i just did this evil deed out of curiosity. well, i got a message saying the person was taken care of. i felt like i ordered a hit. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH!!!!!!! :twisted:
i got someone modded!!!! bwahahahahaha! well what happened is i went to the Shogun user reviews or some other game and this guy gave the game a 4.5 and said it was great fun and everyone should play it in his brief. then the entire post was all the cheats to unlock everything. so i reported him as posting without a spoiler alert.Â
granted i just did this evil deed out of curiosity. well, i got a message saying the person was taken care of. i felt like i ordered a hit. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH!!!!!!! :twisted:
No, you did it for the evulz.
i'm not happy with the rules here. this is the only site that i have moderation problem with.blazblue152
You'll probably like this union then, we go a little bit under the radar.
You don't report us and we don't report you. Mods aren't big fans of unions.Â
Just don't go cursing in every other word and post "too" inappropriate pictures and you should be fine. :P
[QUOTE="blazblue152"]i'm not happy with the rules here. this is the only site that i have moderation problem with.DPumbliQ
You'll probably like this union then, we go a little bit under the radar.
You don't report us and we don't report you. Mods aren't big fans of unions.Â
Just don't go cursing in every other word and post "too" inappropriate pictures and you should be fine. :P
lol. we didn't ban hardy because he cursed or posted inappropriate pictures (buttman does that all the time). we banned him because he pissed us off.
but that was a rare occasion that has only happened twice in the union's 5+ year history.Â
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