Alrighty, first things first, there are some pretty sizeable changes to the rules, so you had best read up. The good news is, there can be no attacking for the first 2 turns, so you have some time to make sure you're doing everything right before going headlong into combat and screwing the game up. The first, and probably most important, thing to know is that instead of being a Hurt-Heal style damage system, it's based on troops, which you have to train and equip during your turn. Also, the battles will occur on a smaller map, with terrain features that give you strategic advantages and disadvantages. I'll get into these things in detail later.
Troop Stats
-Troops have 4 different stats- Men, Attack, Defence, and Move. Men is how many soldiers are in the unit, Attack is how many men are killed by each attack (minimum of 10) and Defence is how much damage from each attack they can resist. Move is how many squares of terrain the unit can cover each turn. These stats are modified by equipment, and there are multiple troop types, each with different cost and stats. Refer to the Info Thread for a complete list of equipment and troop types.
-You'll still have all your stats that you've already chosen, but they serve a different purpose now. Instead of being you stats for damage dealing and hit points, your Attack and Life stats act as a multiplier for your troops's stats, each point being an additional 10% of the base stat. For example, say Zhang Jiao has 2 Attack and 8 Life, and is in charge of a unit with 100 men, 10 attack, and 5 defence. When in battle, Jiao's stats would multiply the attack by 1.2, making it 12, and its defence by 1.8, making it 9. Which is to say, an officer with high Attack has excellent killing power, and an officer with high Life is good at surviving attacks.
-Officers will start with 5 gold. Leaders will start with 10.
-Every officer has 3 Action Points (AP) to use at the start of every turn. Moving takes 1, but may only be done once each turn.
-Every officer and leader gets a free unit of Heavy Cavalry as a personal bodyguard unit.
Team Leaders
-As in the earlier version of the game, the Leader is in charge of distributing the funds of his kingdom, and he must voice his agreement for any treaty to be considered officially sanctioned. The Leader has the same abilities as an Officer.
-If the Team Leader is killed, then he may respawn as usual, but as a different character. If a successor cannot be agreed upon, then the faction will enter Civil War. Civil War will be elaborated upon later in the post.
-Each city produces 1 gold at the start of every turn, which goes to the Team Leader.
-When a city is occupied by an officer, he acts as its Governor (if there's more than one officer in it, whoever arrived first is considered Governor). For his turn, he can use Action Points (AP) to either Fortify, Cultivate, or Conscript.
-Fortifying adds +1 to the city's Defense Strength, which is the number of attacks it takes to penetrate the defenses. Regardless of the invading force's strength, it will take two turns to break through a town with 2 Defense Strength. However, more than one officer can attack it each turn. It takes 1 AP.
-Conscripting allows you to raise troops. Specify the unit type you intend to train (refer to the info thread), subtract the gold cost from your current gold, and you can add the troops to your army that same turn. It takes 2 AP.
-Cultivating allows you to improve the farmlands of your city, increasing their income by +1 gold. Each city can be cultivated a maximum of twice. Takes 1 AP, but may only be done once per turn, and costs 3 gold each time.
-Upon successfully taking a city, all officers involved in the attack gain +4 gold from plundering.
-The capitol is very much like a regular city, but it produces 2 gold instead of 1, and can be cultivated and/or fortified a 4th time.
-The Capitol may be moved to any city occupied by the Team Leader. The former capitol and the new capitol will simply swap names.
-If the capitol is under siege or in enemy hands, it cannot be moved.
-Upon successfully conquering a capitol, the faction gains +10 gold
-If your faction has no capitol, its officers cannot respawn until a Capitol is taken.
Open Land
-When in the open land, an officer has two options, besides movement- he can set up camp, or he can conscript.
-When conscripting in the field, the only unit available is a unit of Infantry armed with spears, at a cost of 1 gold (less than the normal cost, but still an inferior unit).
-By setting up camp, the square occupied gains +1 Defense Strength, as if it were a fortified city. The camp cannot be fortified further, and it will be dismantled whenever the unit leaves the square.
-Every officer may move once each turn, at the cost of 1 AP. You can move up, down, left, or right, but not diagonally. Whenever two or more hostile units occupy the same square, they enter battle.
-Battles will occur on a randomly selected, smaller map. Mountain terrain is impassible. High ground offers a 1.25 multiplier on the Defense of a unit standing on it when fighting enemies on low ground, and adds 1 Move to any unit attacking down from it. Units can move up, down, left, right, but not diagonally, although some units can attack diagonally.
-If the officer's unit is defeated, all of his troops retreat. He will respawn at the capitol next turn, along with any troops he still had when his unit was destroyed, but all of his gold will have gone to the victorious commander
-If there is more than one officer on a team, then they are each the commanders of their own units. If one Officer unit is defeated, then all of his troops will withdraw, but the other officers's units will continue to fight.
-If the battle is going badly, then the officer has the option of routing from the field. If another officers's forces are present, they will not rout unless ordered to. After routing, you respawn at the Capitol with half of your gold and all the forces you had with you when you routed. The missing half of your gold will have been awarded to the victor (rounded up).
-Be sure to keep record of how many battles you win or lose, because you may be given titles based on your successes.
-For every enemy unit destroyed in a battle, the commanding officer gains +1 experience
-For every 5 experience points gained, you may add 1 point to your Life or Attack. The stat increase will take effect at the start of the next turn. Be sure to record your total experience points.
Civil War
-When there are more than one candidates to take the place of a slain Leader, then the faction will split. Officers can align with either of the heirs, or leave the faction and seek employment elsewhere.
-The civil war does not end until all but one of the potential leaders is killed. Every would-be Leader functions as a defacto ruler, and may make alliances and dispense funds like any other ruler, but cannot move the capitol.Â
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