You know what has made me mad lately, how a bunch of users who used to post here don't post here anymore. They come here for a few weeks and they just stop posting here. Why do they do that??
At least me and you post here a lot, jeffhardy posts here sometimes too but it's mostly been me and you posting here for a long time. Everyone else just seems to leave.quadraleap
Not sure why that happens sometimes. Maybe they just arent on GS much or busy with summer things. My ucb was dead for quite except for one friend too but things picked back up eventually. Sometimes getting out there to promote it helps. What happened to Mike?
Some of them are on GS a lot though cause I looked at their post history. I might still promote it I don't know, I might ask some other friends to post here to.
Well he messaged me and said he hasn't been on so much, so hes probably been busy.
I don't know what happened to the others :o
My birthday is in 2 months man, I'm going to be 22 :o I feel old :P
@Jeffhardy: Yeah I did :D That game looks awesome, I'll probably get it for my birthday or Christmas.
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