Welcome to the anniversary edition of Final Fantasy Hangman!
The rules have changed a lot since last time so please take the time to read them before playing.
The object of the game is simple, just guess the hidden word! By guessing one letter at a time, you can reveal some of the letters before taking a guess. The person who has guessed the most words at the end of the game wins!
For example, I may post:
The next word is;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Then participants will post their guesses. Each person may only guess once in between my updates. This means you will have to wait until you know whether your guess was correct or incorrect before making another guess.
Person 1 will post:
I will guess the letter "A"
Person 2 will post:
I will guess the letter "F"
Person 3 will post:
I will guess the letter "I"
In my next post I will reveal the letters that have been guessed, for example:
Darmi will post:
Person 1 guessed "A" and was CORRECT
Person 2 guessed "F" and was CORRECT
Person 3 guessed "I" and was CORRECT
Word Update:
FI_A_ FA_ _A_ _
But be warned that incorrect guesses will result in a fail! After 7 fails, the word will be revealed but no points will be given. I will also reveal incorrect guesses:
Darmi will post:
Person 4 guessed "X" and was INCORRECT
Word Update:
FI_A_ FA_ _A_ _
Incorrect Guesses:
6 lives remaining
Once you think you know the word, you may take a guess:
Person 1 will post:
I think the word is "FINAL FANTASY"
Darmi will post:
I think the word is "FINAL FANTASY"Person 1
Congratulations to Person 1, the word was FINAL FANTASY.
Person 1 - 1 point
Thank you for playing, the next round will begin shortly.
If you have any questions, please send me a message.
Note: Please format your answers in a similar way to the examples shown in this post. This is for your benefit as single letter messages may result in you getting a Gamespot Terms of Use moderation.
***Please check the last posts on this thread to view the current word!***
Final Fantasy Hangman, Originally hosted by thorpe1988, now hosted by Darmi.
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