One of the previous comments said that KHIII would be the final game. Tetsuya Nomura said he planned on making other KH games after 3, but KHIII would be the last game based around the 'Sora' story.
As far as the release of FFIII in America is concerned, I'd love to have it to add to my collection, but I don't see it happening. Most video game companies gave up on the PSP in America a long time ago because of Piracy Issues (supposedly). I mean c'mon, Not even Final Fantasy Type-0 Was released here by Swuare, and that game looked absolutely amazing, I would be highly surprised if yet ANOTHER remake of the games came out here. If it comes to America at all, I suspect it will be download only for the PS Vita. Trust me, I'd love to be wrong about all of this, but I don't see it happening.
As for the FFVII remake, they are just waiting until they are fully bankrupt before they release it, that way they can maybe save their sorry butts yet again. It's the only real reason that makes SENSE for their lack of creation, especially since they have released several bs excuses so far (some of which they have even admitted too). I really hope that if they DO remake the game however, that they DON'T use the FFXIII battle system... I would love to actually have control of my party members, not watch an EXTREMELY Long prequel to Advent Children.
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