Tidus: Beaten into shape by his dad, his talent as a blitzball player grew splendidly, and he found himself loved by everyone around him. But that all changed the day his guardian, Auron, showed up again. Holding his hand out as Sin eveloped their city, he drug Tidus into a world of love, dreams, and possiblities.
Abilities: Very swift from his many blitzball games, his main strength is attacking creatures that walk on the ground. His weaknesses are flying creatures, who evade him over and over again.
Yuna: Earned her reputation from her dad, Braska, the high-summoner. She now seeks to trace her fathers footsteps and destroy Sin, once again, with her summoning abilities. Along her pilgramage, she would fall in love with Tidus, and their love escalated quickly.
Abilities: Her healing spells become very effective during long boss battles, and she will learn more as time goes on. Her physical attacks are horrible, but summoning aeons can be the key to victory.
Auron: Tidus' old mentor, who now serves as Yuna's guardian. Back in the day, he also served as Braska's guardian. He is an experienced hand, who will help Yuna's pilgramage a lot. He also knows more than any of them what they are getting into.
Abilities: Able to pierce heavy armor, he is good with huge foes. He works well with bosses, and makes them an easy feat. Also the first one to learn break spells.
Kimarhi: Disgraced, and disbanned from his race, the Ronso, he went searching for a new life. He stumbled upon Yuna, who he then took in like a daughter. After this time, she was all that mattered.
Abilities: He is the most versitile of any of the members. Once done with his path, he can wonder any area of the sphere grid, allowing him to learn whatever he wants. His enemy skill ability allows him to use many unique and powerful attacks.
Lulu: She is Yuna's most strict protecter, and can be seen as the one who keeps her in line. Underneath her hard shell, she has a kind and gentle side, which can be discovered if you get close.
Abilities: The black mage in the group. She is very helpful in destroying those pesky flans, and without her, it would take a while to destroy them.
Wakka: He loves blitzball; so much it gets in his way of guarding Yuna. He promises after this last tournament its over. He is haunted by his brother's memories...and he sees his brother in Tidus.
Abilities: Mainly used to attack flying enemies, as very early in the game, no one else can hit them. His status changes are very good with bosses.
Rikku: She works very hard to save everyone, and to kill Sin once and for all, because she cant stand to lose anyone. Shes albhed, so Yevon hates her, and makes it very difficult for her to be involved.
Abilities: Mainly used as the thief in the group, expecially usefull for earning money for the party. When yuna's not there, she can use her albhed potions to heal the group.
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