Points Player        2   mosespippy   1   RaiKageRyu   1   Omnislash_   1   ChaosMinotaur
The first player to reach 3 points wins the game and earns a place in the Final Fantasy Fans Union: Hall Of Fame.
Round 5:
A private message has been sent out to each player with the results from Round 6: Day 1. If you did not recieve a message, and played on Round 6: Day 1, please send me a private message requesting your results as soon as possible.
Day 2: Saturday 19th August 2006
My word is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You may now start making your guesses for Round 6: Day 2. Post 1 to 3 letters or the whole word (guessing the whole word will end your play for the round) here to play. Please send me a PM for any comments or suggestions.
Congratulations to Omnislash_ for successfully guessing the answer for Round 6 on Day 2, and gaining 1 point. Unlucky to all of the other players, and good luck to everyone for Round 7.
I would also like to mention that the winner of this game will have their achievement recognised in a new idea; The Final Fantasy Fans Union 'Hall Of Fame', a locked, sticky thread where every other member will be able to see the winners of games, and other such achievements.
Answer: Caladbolg Where?: Final Fantasy X celestial weapon (Tidus). Results
Points Player        2   mosespippy   2   Omnislash_   1   RaiKageRyu   1   ChaosMinotaur
The first player to reach 3 points wins the game and earns a place in the Final Fantasy Fans Union: Hall Of Fame.
Round 7:
Day 1: Sunday 20th August 2006
My word is: _ _ _ _Â Â Â _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You may now start making your guesses for Round 7: Day 1. Post 1 to 3 letters or the whole word (guessing the whole word will end your play for the round) here to play. Please send me a PM for any comments or suggestions.
Points Player        2   mosespippy   2   Omnislash_   1   RaiKageRyu   1   ChaosMinotaur
The first player to reach 3 points wins the game and earns a place in the Final Fantasy Fans Union: Hall Of Fame.
Round 7:
A private message has been sent out to each player with the results from Round 7: Day 1. If you did not recieve a message, and played on Round 7: Day 1, please send me a private message requesting your results as soon as possible.
Day 2: Monday 21st August 2006
My word is: _ _ _ _Â Â Â _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You may now start making your guesses for Round 7: Day 2. Post 1 to 3 letters or the whole word (guessing the whole word will end your play for the round) here to play. Please send me a PM for any comments or suggestions.
Congratulations to chaos_magician for successfully guessing the answer for Round 7 on Day 2, and gaining 1 point. Unlucky to all of the other players, and good luck to everyone for Round 8.
I would also like to mention that the winner of this game will have their achievement recognised in a new idea; The Final Fantasy Fans Union 'Hall Of Fame', a locked, sticky thread where every other member will be able to see the winners of games, and other such achievements.
Answer: Blue Narciss Where?: Final Fantasy IX ship. Results
Points Player         2   mosespippy   2   Omnislash_   1   RaiKageRyu   1   ChaosMinotaur   1   chaos_magician
The first player to reach 3 points wins the game and earns a place in the Final Fantasy Fans Union: Hall Of Fame.
Round 8:
Day 1: Tuesday 22nd August 2006
My word is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Â Â Â _ _ _ _ _
You may now start making your guesses for Round 8: Day 1. Post 1 to 3 letters or the whole word (guessing the whole word will end your play for the round) here to play. Please send me a PM for any comments or suggestions.
Points Player         2   mosespippy   2   Omnislash_   1   RaiKageRyu   1   ChaosMinotaur   1   chaos_magician
The first player to reach 3 points wins the game and earns a place in the Final Fantasy Fans Union: Hall Of Fame.
Round 8:
A private message has been sent out to each player with the results from Round 8: Day 1. If you did not recieve a message, and played on Round 8: Day 1, please send me a private message requesting your results as soon as possible.
Day 2: Monday 21st August 2006
My word is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Â Â Â _ _ _ _ _
You may now start making your guesses for Round 8: Day 2. Post 1 to 3 letters or the whole word (guessing the whole word will end your play for the round) here to play. Please send me a PM for any comments or suggestions.
Congratulations to RaiKageRyu for successfully guessing the answer for Round 8 on Day 2, and gaining 1 point. Unlucky to all of the other players, and good luck to everyone for Round 9.
I would also like to mention that the winner of this game will have their achievement recognised in a new idea; The Final Fantasy Fans Union 'Hall Of Fame', a locked, sticky thread where every other member will be able to see the winners of games, and other such achievements.
Answer: Banishing Blade Where?: Final Fantasy X overdrive (Auron). Results
Points Player         2   mosespippy   2   Omnislash_   2   RaiKageRyu   1   ChaosMinotaur   1   chaos_magician
The first player to reach 3 points wins the game and earns a place in the Final Fantasy Fans Union: Hall Of Fame.
Round 9:
Day 1: Thursday 24th August 2006
My word is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You may now start making your guesses for Round 9: Day 1. Post 1 to 3 letters or the whole word (guessing the whole word will end your play for the round) here to play. Please send me a PM for any comments or suggestions.
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