Welcome everyone to the grand opening of the Clash of Legends. For those of you who have never heard of it before, it is a new game to the Final Fantasy Fans Union that is similar to the Final Battle. I am Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII. If you are wondering why I can choose to be Cait Sith, I will explain that in a little bit.
First off, here are the basics. You can choose whoever you want to be from any game with the words Final Fantasy in the title, which includes Dirge of Cerberus. If I find out that the character you are using is not from a final fantasy, you will be ejected from the game and you spot will be given to someone else. You will be working in teams of 3 with each person using different sets of skills. Your job is to kill me and achieve victory. You start the game with 9999 hp and 999 mp and I start with 9,999,999. If you die, you may be revived until a full 2 days pass from your death. If you are not revived in a full 2 days, you are removed from the game temporarily and your team will be at a disadvantage.
Now for my explanations on the boss choices, I am able to choose anyone I like in this game. So that means you could be fighting the fiercest boss of all the Final Fantasies to the coolest good guy in all the series. This is one of the many changes in the Clash of Legends. You can never find out who I will be for the CoL.
Here is your list of actions for the Clash of Legends. New additions to time limits are as follows:
Limits can be used every 40 posts after the wait time unless Fury Brand is casted.
Holy must wait 10 posts after the wait time to be used.
Ultima must wait 25 posts after the wait time to be used again.
Level 4 summon requires 40 post recharge after 3rd summon.
Only 10 posts per teammate per day, time of day starts at midnight US Eastern Time (-6 hrs GMT)
Perks can be used again after a period of 3 days
Also new in this game thread is the Team, Job and Perks system. Depending on whom you choose you are given a choice of Attack, Support, or Medic Jobs. The jobs and their sets will be listed at the end of your actions. The Team system allows you to work together and co-ordinate attacks and strategies in your group. One major deal is that you can only heal people in your own group. The Perks system is similar to something from Call of Duty 4 & 5. You are given a list of 8 perks to choose from and you cannot have a single one twice in your group. Otherwise you lose perks for 4 straight days in the CoL and these could be the difference between life and death!
Status Ailments
Poison – deals 1000 hp damage for each one of your posts, cured by remedy
Silence – cannot use magical attacks, cured by remedy
Berserk – Continually attacks, cured by remedy
Petrify – turned into stone and cannot act, removed from game if attacked in this state, cured by remedy
Curse – cannot use any limit breaks! Cured by holy water only.
Frog – deals 1-4 damage no matter what attack. Cured by Esuna or remedy
Mini – shrinks you so you deal half damage with attack, cured by Esuna or remedy.
Haste – speeds up normal actions, everything but Fire 3/Ice 3/Bolt 3, Flare, Holy, Ultima, and the Limit Break is reduced by half time (ex. Potion action becomes 23 min), is cancelled by slow.
Slow – slows down normal actions, every timer is doubled in length, if cast after your action, use real action time, cancelled by haste only!
Stop - Cannot act at all until cured by Green Light!
Player Actions
Attack – Deals 3333 damage. You may act again in 30 minutes.
Limit Break – Deals 99,999 damage. You may act again in 6 hours. Time not affected by haste! (You may use any limit you wish, but it only does this thing, call it what you want, you may have to make it up if you aren't from FFVII forward anyway.)
MP cost: 50 Chocomog, Ifrit, Shiva, Kjata, Odin, Ramuh. Deals 5000 damage
MP cost: 100 Bahamut, Neo Bahamut, Leviathan, Typhoon, Titan. Deals 9999 damage.
MP cost: 200 Hades, Alexander, Bahamut Zero, Phoenix – revives one person. Deals 35,000 damage.
MP Cost: 350 Knights of the Round. Deals 99,999 damage.
Rules are simple: Each one can be summoned unlimited times after each one is summoned 3 times. Once all have been summoned for a 3rd time, all can be summoned whenever. Level 4 summon requires a 40 post recharge after 3rd summon. Details are in above sentences. You may act again in 1 hr (50 MP), 2 hrs (100 MP), 4 hrs (200 MP), or 7 ½ hrs (350 mp)
Potion - Recovers 3333hp to one target. You may act again in 50 minutes.
Hi-Potion - Recovers 5000hp to one target. You may act again in 1 hour and 30 minutes.
X-Potion - Recovers 9998hp to one target. You may act again in 3 1/2 hours
Phoenix Down - Revives on target with 3334hp. You may act again in 1 hour.
Ether - Restores 150mp to one target. You may act again in 4 hours.
Holy Water - cures curse only! You may act again in 45 min.
Remedy - Cures everything but curse and slow! You may act again in 1hr 15 min
Cure - MP Cost: 15mp - Recovers 3333hp to one target. You may act again in 30 minutes
Cure 2 - MP Cost: 20mp - Recovers 5000hp to one target. You may act again in 45 minutes
Cure 3 - MP Cost: 35mp - Recovers 9998hp to one target. You may act again in 2 1/2 hours
Cura – MP Cost: 100mp – Recovers 3333hp to 5 targets. You may act again in 1 hour 45 minutes.
Life - MP Cost: 50mp - Revives on target with 3334hp. You may act again in 30 minutes.
Life 2 - MP Cost: 150mp - Revives on target with 9999hp. You may act again in 3 hours.
Auto-Life – MP Cost: 400mp – Bestows Life on someone when they die (affect stays until death). You may act again in 3 hours.
Esuna - MP Cost: 150mp - Cures all Status Ailments except for Curse, Slow and Stop. You may act again in 1 hour 45 minutes
Level 1 magic - MP Cost: 35mp – Deals 4000 damage. You may act again in 30 minutes.
Level 2 magic (-ara, -ra) - MP Cost: 70mp – Deals 8000 damage. You may act again in an hour.
Level 3 magic (-aga) – MP Cost: 150mp – Deals 10,000 damage. You may act again in 3 hrs. Time not affected by haste!
Flare/Ardor – MP Cost: 225mp – Deals 20,000 damage. You may act again in 4 hours. Time not affected by haste!
Holy – MP Cost: 350mp – Deals 40,000 damage. You may act again in 4 hours. Time not affected by haste!
Ultima/Scathe – MP Cost: 500mp – Deals 80,000 damage. You may act again in 6 hours. Time not affected by haste!
Haste – MP Cost: 50mp – speeds up your action time, cuts it is half rounded up, see example in status ailments. You may act again in 30 min (this time unaffected by haste)
Hastega – MP Cost: 160 mp – speeds up 3 people's action times, same as haste. You may act again in 1 hr. (time unaffected by haste)
Green Light – MP Cost: 50 mp - Cures the Stop status. You may act again in 45 min.
Shell – MP Cost: 25mp - Cuts magic damage in half for the next 6 hours. You may act again in 30 minutes.
Protect – MP Cost: 25mp - Cuts physical damage in half for the next 6 hours. You may act again in 30 minutes.
Defend – Defends self only until next post. Practically same as protect but everything is halved. Wait time 30 minutes (done after 3 hrs)
Double Team Moves - The first person does a preparation move and then the second person finishes it with the very next post. Ex. 1st post: Auron throws Tidus into the air. 2nd post: Tidus and Auron use Tornado Blitz Ace. Each person deals 65,000 damage. Both players may act again in 8 hours. (Not affected by Haste)
Job actions Lists:
Support: Cure 1, 2, 3, Cura, Life, Life 2, Auto-Life, Holy, Esuna, Haste, Hastega, Green Light, Protect, Shell, Limit, Double Team, Defend
Offensive Mage: Level 1, 2, 3 Black magic, Flare/Ardor, Ultima/Scathe, Level 2, 3, 4 summons, Limit, Defend, Double Team
Warriors: Cure 1, Life, Esuna, Level 1 Black magic, Level 1, 2 summons, Defend, attack, Limit, Double Team
#1. Double HP for 50 posts, can be activated whenever during the battle
#2. Double MP for 50 posts, can be activated whenever during the battle
#3. Auto-Haste, casts haste when activated, can be activated whenever during the battle
#4. Job Swap, swaps jobs with one of your teammates at any point during the battle for the rest of the battle, can be activated whenever during the battle
#5. Team Swap, swaps with someone from a different team at any point during the battle, can be activated whenever during the battle
#6. Stop in a bottle, casts stop on the boss for 4 hrs, only two per battle, can be activated whenever during the battle
#7. Double Action, ability to use two actions for 10 posts, can be activated before the boss drops below 1 million hp.
#8. Auto-potion, uses potions automatically when hurt for 15 posts for each team member, can be activated whenever during the battle
Now, I know that is a lot to work with, more especially with this new format, but I am trying to offer a set of choices that are fair to each job and group. But enough on that, now on to my action list.
Cait Sith's Moves
Dice Roll - Rolls 2 dice, adds the 2 numbers together and multiplies by 1000 (magic damage), can act again in 6 hrs.
Slot spin – roll 1 dice, whatever # comes up gives certain outcome: 1 – Restore 99,999 HP, 2 – Instant kill to one person, 3 – Summons one summon (magic damage) (doesn't count for summon count), 4 – Deals 3333 physical damage to all, 5 – Hits self for 9999 damage, 6 – Transforms into giant for 10 of my posts, attacks become 5000 damage, damage received becomes 6666, and deals status affects to all, can act again in 8 hrs.
Attack: Deals 3333 physical damage, can act again in 30 min.
Manipulate: takes over one person, that person attacks until attacked or healed (same as pale horse), can act again in 2 hrs, person can attack every 30 min for 3333.
Transform: deals status affect mini or frog to one person, can act again in 2 hrs.
The post count is unlimited. We need at least 3 groups of 3 people each to begin this game. Once you die, you need to be revived in order to stay in the game. Everyone is essential to this games success. If you die and are not revived in 48 hrs, you are removed temporarily and your team suffers.
That should cover all the bases. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or Ice_Defense_God. As this is a beta your input and questions are very helpful.
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