IDG, I know you like to heal, but the rules state that you can only heal/use items on your own teammates. It's in the first post in the paragraph before the status ailments:
Also new in this game thread is the Team, Job and Perks system. Depending on whom you choose you are given a choice of Attack, Support, or Medic Jobs. The jobs and their sets will be listed at the end of your actions. The Team system allows you to work together and co-ordinate attacks and strategies in your group. One major deal is that you can only heal people in your own group. The Perks system is similar to something from Call of Duty 4 & 5. You are given a list of 8 perks to choose from and you cannot have a single one twice in your group. Otherwise you lose perks for 4 straight days in the CoL and these could be the difference between life and death!
the only exception will be cura due to the number of targets you have to select. that is the only spell/item that you can use on other teams as long as at least one member of your team is targeted
Cait Sith: "I was enjoying that nap.... Now you will pay!!!!!"
Cait Sith attacks Yuna!
Next action in 30 min
Boss Stats!!!
HP: 9,153,676 MP: Infinite! Status: None
Giant Post Count: 5/10
Team #1 (maniamsmart, angelbless, IceDefenseGod)
Auron (Warrior)----------------9999 hp/699 mp/ Double Action – Haste, Auto-Life
Vivi (Offensive Mage)---------9999 hp/668 mp/ Doubel MP – Haste, Auto-Life
Yuna (Support)-----------------4999 hp/459 mp/Double MP – Haste, Auto-Life
Team #2 (micro19, joynul, fffan9391)
Squall (Warrior)----------------4999 hp/999 mp/Double Action – Frog
Rinoa (Support)-----------------9999 hp/974 mp/Auto-Haste – Slow
Quina (Offensive Mage)-------9999 hp/699 mp/Double HP – Curse
Team #3 (black_hen, Shadow_571, lordmew)
Cecil (Warrior)------------------9999 hp/999 mp/Team Swap –
Gabranth (Offensive Mage)---9999 hp/774 mp/Auto-Haste –
Gilgamesh (Support)-----------9999 hp/419 mp/Double MP – Haste, Auto-Life
Team #4 (slykid23)
Tidus (Offensive Mage)-------9999 hp/999 mp/Stop in a Bottle – Silence
Summon Count:
Bahamut: 1
Titan: 1
Knights of the Round: 1
Also, make sure you count posts between limits, holy, ultima, and double teams. ive already had to fix up one mistake. here are the post counts for you to use those actions again:
Limits can be used every 40 posts after the wait time unless Fury Brand is casted.
Holy must wait 10 posts after the wait time to be used.
Ultima must wait 25 posts after the wait time to be used again
Double teams count as limits!
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