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Yuffie:I'll heal Sephiroth (pro-link) back up to 9999/9999hp
(Question. can you cast barriers to make the attack weaker tempary for an hour or something?)
Yuffie:I'll heal Sephiroth (pro-link) back up to 9999/9999hp
(Question. can you cast barriers to make the attack weaker tempary for an hour or something?)
Zell: Bum da da dum, BRING IT ON.
lol, your really getting into carechter, thats somethig Zell would probably do. :P
Vivi casts Blizzaga on Kefka 7000 damage
*Cast Ultima on Party* HEEHEEHEEHEE!!
Current Status Character Player
3333/9999 Kaze [ STK3000 ]
3333/9999 Auron [ IceDefenseGod ]
3333/9999 Cloud [ thorpe1988 ]
0/9999 KO Vincent [ tedtedted ]
3333/9999 Sephiroth [ -Pro-Link- ]
3333/9999 Squall [ ChaosMinotaur ]
3333/9999 Seifer [ Sharigan-X ]
0/9999 KO Tidus [ KIDSWB ]
0/9999 KO Wakka [ FinalHorror ]
0/9999 KO Yuna [ kinetic-core ]
0/9999 KO Tifa [ dragonblad3 ]
3333/9999 Zell [ the_unbroken ]
3333/9999 Red XIII [ maa4208 ]
1/9999 Vivi [ Disturbed_1_ ]
0/9999 KO Amarant [ cityscape ]
3333/9999 Kimarhi [ Spurs_Fan ]
3333/9999 Seymore [ zerroth101 ]
3333/9999 Yuffie [ ILuvCharmed1s ]
Next Attack in 5 hours!!!
Zell: Frickin hell, Doesnt he have any attacks that dont take so much out of ya>
Zell draws curaga from Kefka and heals himself, (6666/9999)
Yuna casts cureII on herself (9999/9999 HP)
I think the calculation is correct. :) Thanks for reviving me!!!
Cloud casts Cure II on himself for 3333 HP (9999/9999 HP).
You guys have got some miscalculations, so I thought I'd post an update:
Health Points Characters Players
3333/9999 Kaze [ STK3000 ]
9999/9999 Auron [ IceDefenseGod ]
9999/9999 Cloud [ thorpe1988 ]
3334/9999 Vincent [ tedtedted ]
3333/9999 Sephiroth [ -Pro-Link- ]
3333/9999 Squall [ ChaosMinotaur ]
3333/9999 Seifer [ Sharingan-X ]
6667/9999 Tidus [ KIDSWB ]
0/9999 Wakka [ FinalHorror ]
6667/9999 Yuna [ kinetic-core ]
0/9999 Tifa [ dragonblad3 ]
9999/9999 Zell [ the_unbroken ]
3333/9999 Red XIII [ maa4208 ]
6667/9999 Vivi [ Disturbed_1_ ]
0/9999 Amarant [ cityscape ]
3333/9999 Kimahri [ Spurs_Fan ]
3333/9999 Seymour [ zerroth101 ]
3333/9999 Yuffie [ ILuvCharmed1s ]
Zell: I guess were on the same side, so just this once I'll help you out Seifer
Zell casts cure on Seifer (6666/9999)
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