The game isn't really done on the challenge because It's going to be an ongoing game. It's great if I only have a couple minutes to play. Not only that but even though I've 'beaten' it, there is a lot I've yet to unlock, that and I feel I can't really judge it after only having played for about 7 hours.The game is like crack... the first time I played it I thought, "Eh.. I guess this is okay..." second time "Wow, this is pretty fun!" and the third time "MUST PLAY MORE!!!"
If all goes as planned however, I will be completing Final Fantasy VIII today.. which means I will be one step further in my challenge. I haven't decided what I'm going to play next though. Chocobo Dungeon 2on PSOne is next in the lineup.. but I'm thinking I may sit and play KH3D still.. though for some reason it hasn't really caught my attention yet... probably because I'm still in the VERY early part of the game... I will also be spending some time with Code of Princess and Heroes of Ruin, but I don't think they will slow things down too much. Ni No Kuni is going to be put on hold for a while though, I'm much more excited about my already growing 3DS collection.
Wellll that's all for now, I will probably do a write up on FFVIII soon.. but.. it's not going to be very positive.. I will warn you of that now... and I promise I'm going to keep it shorter than the FFVII one.
Oh.. I'm sure as you've all noticed I've completely failed at the whole 'video review thing' I set out to do at the beginning of this challenge, and I've thought of a better way of doing it... at the end of the challenge I will make videos ranking the games in the order of my preference. I will break it up into several videos, for example, the main one (and one I'm sure most people will want to see) will be the main games and all games that are related by STORY. so for example...I would have all the direct sequels, but it would not include Final Fantasy Tactics. I would then have a 'Crystal Chronicles' series review... and from there maybe a couple of other spin-off videos like the rest of the Ivalice Alliance, Maybe the Chocobo Games, of course the KH series... etc.
Small update, IÂ got done with Final Fantasy yeah... onto.. KH3D it looks like for now.. and maybe some chocobo dungeon depending on how I'm feeling. I'm pretty doped up on medicine right now so I don't really know what I'm gonna be doing.
Edit: This means I've completed 20 of the 50 games in my challenge. So far so good.
Wellll that's all for now, I will probably do a write up on FFVIII soon..... and I promise I'm going to keep it shorter than the FFVII one. Xx_Kares_xXYay :P I still haven't got around to reading VII yet.
Hey guys, small update. I'm about halfway through KH3D... and.. it's okay I guess. I mean.. it's fun.. the story is less present than in almost all of the previous games which could be a good or bad thing depending on your opinion. The only thing that's really bothering me is the framerate. Normally a bad framerate doesn't bug me too much in games... but in a couple of fights in particular the game skips so much that I can't tell what's going on... Oh, and to all the "World Ends With You' fans out there.. they butchered all of the characters voices in this game... but they aren't really all that important to the game anyway so.... take that however you will.Xx_Kares_xX
Neko's voice is fine. Their dialogue though isn't very good. I haven't played it much yet but there is alot of random gameplay that slow down the pace of the story which good. But they do it a little too much. Maybe it changes the further you get.Â
Neku was okay yeah.. everyone else bugged me though. I'm almost done with the game now and.. it kinda feels like they were trying to do way too much with it gameplay wise. I only have two worlds left and they've only touched on the main KH story a little bit... this game is definitely a 'middle' game, you know, just there as set up for the finale in KH3... but really with the things they were doing in the story I'm not sure what exactly they are trying to lead up too... All in all I think it's a decent game, but the boss battles leave a lot to be desired and the story isn't all that well thought out or written (I often here people complain about KH having a confusing plot... and I tended to disagree until this game). I'd say if you are a KH fan... well then pick it up.. it's more KH... but it's far from a good starting point in the series and it's definitely not one of the better games in the series in terms of quality. (This is really just nitpicking though, It's still a good 7/10 or so...)
Edit: A point in this games favor... this game has what is now my favorite world in any KH game ever... I don't want to say which one as it COULD be considered a spoiler... but I guess if someone asks I will just say it anyway @.@
Hey guys, I just finished KH3D... and towards the end it REALLY picked up the pace and became more reminiscent of the earlier games. It's a decent game, but it definitely succumbs to 'middle story syndrome' nothing really happens... because this whole game is only in place to build up to Kingdom Hearts III. Anyway, like I said before, if you are a KH fan, pick it up, but if you are new too the series, for the love of god start with ANY game but this one (or RE:Coded.. that one sucked, but it started as a cell phone game so what do you expect?)
Now that KH3D is out of the way, it's time to get back to the challenge with Chocobo Dungeon, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (the first) and a lot more of that addicting as hell theatrythm because I finally bought the rest of the songs <<...>>
I was in college... until I ran out of money lol. THanks for wishing me luck x.x I'm sure I'll need it.Xx_Kares_xXAlot of people here in Ireland had to leave college too because fees and the cost of living were too high. Lucky for me I still live at home, saving me tons of money.
My occupation is looking for a damn job... x.x It hasn't been easy.. I've got some interviews this week though, hopefully that will lead to something... As much as I like the free time I'm sick of feeling worthless x.x lol, But... that's getting a bit too whiny and personal so I'll shut my mouth ^^. Xx_Kares_xXSame predicament here. Fortunately I'm going to College though.
Yeeeeep so at the moment I'm just a dead beat x.x lol. Games are the only thing keeping me distracted and Sane... YAY FOR THE CHALLENGE....
Speaking of Which I'm about halfway through Chocobo Dungeon... I'm.. not really sure HOW to rate this game because I'm not really used to this type of gameplay. From what I understand it falls into the 'rogue-like' rpg genre... a genre that I know close to nothing about and don't think I'd really be a fan of too begin with. It's.. okay I guess? The longer I play the more bored I get... it's the slow rate of leveling up that's REALLY killing me though...
On the other hand... I'm damn near addicted to Theatrythm... damn game @.@...
To tell you the truth I feel like I'm not learning anything new in college. They're just regurgitating things I've learned in high school just with extra details.D3dr0_0College is completely different to 'high school' (we call it secondary school) for me. What course are you doing?
It is kinda disheartening to hear that you guys have problems with getting work and going through college and all of that. I know I probably wont have any problems with it here in Norway, I just pray to god that I pass my Advanced Math class in High School atm.lordmewAdvanced Maths sounds like a pain in the @ss :P College isn't *that* bad when you put in the work. It's just kinda exhausting sometimes, especially because we have around 4/5 new topics every half a year (semester). I'll admit though, some of the subjects/topics are very similar.
addicted to Theatrythm... damn game @.@... Xx_Kares_xXThose types of games are crazy addictive. I play guitar hero (and rockband) on a pretty regular basis. It's just a pity no more GH's are coming out.
I live in a VERY tough area for finding jobs...There are four colleges in my immediate area so there are a lot of people my age looking x.x not to mention it's a very popular and expensive place to live.
I was always terrible at math... well not always, I was actually always really good at math until freakin' Geometry @.@... I failed that class by one percent... it was infuriating... I had to make it up in Night School (which I actually preferred)
I love music games... it combines music and games, my two favorite things ^^. It's a little difficult to go back to those games now that I actually play guitar, but it can still be very fun. I have all the main Guitar Hero games (I think I'm only missing... Smash Hits and Van Halen?) and have Rockband 1 and 2... I always preferred rockband, so it doesn't really bug me that guitar hero is dead.. especially since rockband 3 seems to have gotten smart... they knew they were releasing the same game every year and just decided to put out new songs instead of a new game.Â
What I really want is to get myself a copy of Rocksmith <<....>>
I'm not saying DLC is preferred over all.. in fact I don't even have rockband 3... I'm just saying I like how they tried to handle it. I still prefer rockband, mostly for the 'world tour' mode and the fact that you can actually customize your band members from the ground up and such. I like them both a lot, really it's just splitting hairs @.@.
I understand the internet thing, I personally don't like that everything is going digital just because I'm a collector... I like to see the games and manuals on my shelf and all that.... That and when I own something I want to know that I OWN it.. not that it's being rented to me... but that's a totally different topic ^^'
I'm definitely not great at guitar.. considering I've only been playing for about a year and I'm self taught.. honestly it was mostly meant to be backup to my vocals, but I didn't realize how much I love and respect music until I started to learn to play. I thought Rocksmith would be a great tool to help me get better while also being fun ^^'
Well guys I've got a challenge update for you, I completed Chocobo Dungeon 2 today... honestly.. it was kind of... 'meh'. It wasn't a terrible game I guess... but I did find it boring. I loved the adorable 'chibi' artstyle of all the characters though.. I have two words for you in regards to that.. 'Chocobo Tears' it was simultaneously heartwrenching and adorable... not the story, just the scene itself.. the story was pretty non existant. The music also left a lot to be desired, but series fans will recognize a few of the tunes remixed for the game. Despite this game not really meeting the mark for me personally, I am still highly looking forward to the next installment of the Chocobo Dungeon series on the wii.
Next I'm onto one of my favorite games in the Series, Final Fantasy IX! (as well as more damn theatrythm... I've put in about 20 hours and have gotten 45000/99999 possible 'Rythmia Points' ... I can't put the damn thing down). So that's where things stand. Oddly enough I've also had the urge to play more Dissidia 012 even though I've effectively demolished that game as well.
ENG 101 simple, CMP 101 again simple and HIST 101 so easy I have a hard time staying awake. I already took Philosophy and Intro to College last semester. So far Philosophy is the best class I've taken.D3dr0_0Hmmm.... very different system to your's over here. @Kares, (about the dlc topic) I much prefer physical copies of things too. I love game manuals, unfortunately some companies are even getting stingy with those and aren't printing them anymore.
It's true... I got Heroes of Ruin and it's 'manual' was one folded up piece of paper x.x.
On the other hand, Atlus games don't only come with manuals, they also generally come with soundtracks and art books <<...>> just saying.
The education system here in Ireland has changed a little aswell. Subjects such as maths and physics have been made easier. This was implemented after I finished secondary school so I didn't get the addition of 25points when I passed higher maths :(
Thank god I got the grant for college or I wouldn't be in there.Â
I love music games. I don't play it as much as I used to though. I have over 400songs on Rockband 3 and I hope they make a 4th game soon before they die out. But Aerosmith have finally been made as DLC so maybe they will be able to get Metallica and Van Halen.Â
Things go in phases, and music games will make a come back eventually, look at JRPGs.. just a couple years back there were close to no new JRPGs and now they are coming out by the truckload.
Congrats on the college and grant! It does suck about the not getting points for advanced math though
Music games have NEVER been big... Guitar hero I and II were popular, and so was rockband, but that's really it. There have been tons of music games besides that but I bet that most people have never even heard of them. Gitaroo Man, Parappa the Rapper, Um Jammer Lammy, Amplitude, Frequency, Rez, none of them have really been smash hits.Xx_Kares_xX
It's a shame those games weren't big, they were pretty damn entertaining. As for music games yeah Guitar Hero and Rock Band were huge. Only problem was that they over saturated the games especially Guitar Hero.
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