Mayuri's Death Code Lab
"It all depends on your skills. faces strait."
There are no rules for the helpers. Except that they can only help each other out. Not the victims.
Victims figure out their own code with no help.
Each victim has 10 tries. If their tries run out, they can not guess any more. Their way of getting out of that lab is the helpers.
If the helpers run out on their 10 tries, then that victim or victims will go to the next step.
The next step of DEATH.
The number code format when guessing must be like this:
That's the format.
The numbers are between 0-30.
Another thing I need to show is the % and how will you know if that victim's time is up?
For example,
I take Yamamoto.
Yamamoto is a victim. He has 10 tries of his own. Also the helpers have 10 tries on him. So that's uhh how many join as helpers. 11 helpers. So... that's a total of 120 tries for Yamamoto. 10 for Yamamoto and 10 for each helper. So I say, USE IT WISELY!
The % by the victim will start by 100%. Meaning, there good and calm. Problem is, the area is in Ingrid's bankai. So. It will slowly die down by a bit. Once you hit 0%. It means you hit panic mode.
Panic mode- meaning your helpers don't know your code, you don't know your code, and your time about to end.
That's it for the rules. Any question, please post in the Contest 12 sign up thread.
One more thing. You can cut off some of your problems of going towards Death. That is, guess a number right. If you do, it be apart of your number code. That's the only clue you get of solving your code.
Point value of this game is:
First Helper to save the first victim: 50 pts.
Yes 50 pts because this is the hardest contest I ever came up with.
First Dead Victim: 15 pts.
It means that Mayuri happy to cut you up in pieces. :lol:
Solving 1 number: 5 pts
Saving a Victim: 10 pts
GAME OVER FOR ALL: Mayuri gets 100 pts.
Meaning. You all couldn't help out the victims.
And! Get this. I love being insane.
The helpers be the next set of victims.
Mayuri and I going have fun with this contest.
I told you all. Jigsaw has nothing on us two mad scienctist.
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