It's that time again. Ok. Here are the created kido spells that was from scratch. If I miss yours meaning you pm yours, then please tell me now and re pm again and I will make sure your kido spell is in the contest. If you lie to me, there will be punishment. I'm not joking.
Moving on.
If you notice, I won the last contest. Thank goodness none of my created kido spells are in here. Yeah. I got like 15 more under my sleeves. 1 of them is for the females.
Moving on.
Number: 128
Name: Visions Sight It has the ability to do two things. One is to let you see for long distances and the other is to be able to predict your oppents moves. I hope this is what you wanted.
Number: 177
Name: Crazy legs
this is a... abnormal kido that i made before i was born cus im cool like that. you say. they call me crazy legs and your legs release energy and you get this burning passion for dancing. this is a usefull kido in two ways. one dancing and showing off skills and two to use the skill to kick people with extreem force. so extreem that if you kick close enough your foot will acually go through the person. this is a kido favored by micheal jackson. thats why he dances all the time he just added the heeheehees for fun. he used this kido in all his music videos. ITS CUS OF ME WHY HE IS SO FAMOUS!!! well any way back on topic. warning dont use this kido for too long becuase if you do you will get a crazy amount of gas and diaharea worse then eating 30 white castle burgers. you will be able to fill a plane with ther amount of gas you will have haha i make a connection. this kido will come in handy with my other kido 176... but you will have to wait till the next contest hahaha
Number: ??????
Name: Dark Territory
Description: A "fog" of darkness consumes the area, and all in the area of effect seemingly lose all 5 normal senses and are unable to sense spiritual energy. However, this in itself is merely an illusion. Their senses fall under the command of the caster, and untill issued a command, are completely blank and shut down. On a whim, the caster can make them sense whatever the caster wants, allowing them to create illusions, or simply overload all six senses to the point they collapse and are unable to fight. The fog also influences their minds, fogging it to the point it is difficult to think. Weak willed opponents will have their intelligence and ability to think reduced so much they will be a limp drooling mass, while others may be severely reduced but functional. Even if a person's will is extreamely strong, and can overpower the mental fog, their senses are still under the casters command untill the spell is released.
Number: ??????
Name: "Ten-sided Prism of Annihilation"
The main part of the kido consists of ten individual, pitch-black plates bursting from the ground around the target. They are vividly see-through and interlock, closing around the target. The prism then collects a mass of spiritual energy and condenses it inside the prism. When the command is given, the prism releases the spiritual energy it has amassed and it's power bursts inside the prism. The prism then begins to crack, releasing sporadic, streaming blasts of spiritual energy randomly.
Contest will end next week. Let's say. A wednesday or thursday.
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