As the name implies, this is a theory, a most intricate theory of Link, a beloved hero, falling into the darkness and essentially becoming what he fought against, evil. Now, it is imperative to come in with an open mind. Just forget what ever thoughts or beliefs you may have of Link after his epic adventures. Keeping to those thoughts, will just destroy what this theory is trying to accomplish and as all aspects of life, you are more likely to get more out of it, if you come in with a mind open to possibilities and willing to expand upon thoughts and ideas. At any rate, this is a theory I don’t really see among the countless web sites that stand as tributes to the beloved Zelda series. I’m sure someone else may have thought of it first, but I have not really seen any topic regarding this subject. I don’t find it surprising that’s its not a possible theory since its basically speculation but, as long as there is no new Zelda game to play (Twilight Princess is still far off) its great to pass the time speculation about different aspects of the series, especially the darker, more mysterious aspects, thus presented to you, is The Link Gone Evil Theory!
Its best to start at the beginning, not at the very beginning, but the beginning in which the topic or aspect first surfaces. I suppose its best to state which Link the title refers to, the keen eyed or just the ones who pay attention to details may have already come to the realization. For those who are still in the dark, the Link being referred to is the mighty Hero of Time, the savior of Hyrule in Ocarina of Time and Termina in Majora’s Mask. This is the Link that is arguably the most loved from the many heroes that have also shared the name. He was the first to be placed within the 3d world and stared in a game that has been constantly regarded by many to be the greatest game ever created. It is no surprise that this game is the standard by which all Zelda games that have come after are judged by. There is a saying that if one wants to be the best, one must beat the best. So far, no Zelda game has matched Ocarina of Time, but that’s not the point. The point is, as many can deduce from the title of this article, the Link that passes through the flow of time, defeats Ganon and Skull Kid, and ultimately saves two lands from being destroyed by evil, along with their populace, ends up becoming evil. Sounds crazy? Well it should. Is it impossible? Not entirely…
It all begins with Ocarina of Time. Our young hero was raised in a rather friendly forest and although he seemed to get along rather well with most of the kids, he already was isolated from them. He stood out and was perceived as different even at such an early age before his quest had begun. Link, unlike the others within the community, does not have a fairy. Even when he gets one, he immediately begins his quest, which has become legendary and nearly every Zelda fan is familiar with.
Now Link begins this quest and meets many different people, dangers, and puzzles. Much as the other Link’s he uses his courage (as well as a bit of luck) to help out anyone he meets and finish the quest he has undertaken. Events precede as normal, until one of the most important scenes in Ocarina of Time and even the entire Zelda series itself. Something goes horribly, horribly wrong. Upon drawing the Master Sword, Link’s spirit is set in a dormant state, waiting for the time when he has aged enough to reach the requirements of becoming the Hero of Time. During these seven years, Ganon takes over Hyrule and corrupts everything in sight leaving quite a mess for Link to clean up when he is ready. This is the first point of interest to those who support this theory (second if you count Link being different as a child). Imagine, if you will, the sheer difference between a ten year old (even a very mature one) and a seventeen year old. Quite staggering isn’t it? Imagine just how Link must of felt in his new body. The change would take some getting used too and the sheer difference mentally would be interesting and not doubt overwhelming. We can only speculate onto the extent of the changes that took place, (And just how exactly did his cloths grow with him?) but many would agree that the experience afterwards, adventuring through all those temples and looking upon a much darker world, where the wonderment and joy of youth was gone, would be quite life altering indeed. Link finds a dark world, where he had once joyfully explored and meet many new people, who were now suffering more then ever. Furthermore, his childhood was gone at that point. Even if he were to return to his youth (which he did), there would no doubt be a great change in him. He would have experienced something of such a stature that no one else could ever even begin understand. He had lived a life as an adult, experienced things that a ten year old would not be able to comprehend, or at least most ten year olds could not comprehend. Link was for beyond his years at the end of Ocarina of Time. More likely then not, he would become a lot more thoughtful, and feel a lot more isolated. I mean, going a quest to save a land is different enough, but becoming seventeen years old and going on the experience the world through such a perspective is rare indeed.
Fast forward to Majora’s Mask, where Link is wandering through a the Lost Woods, looking for Navi. She was the only friend that had experienced a similar experience that what Link had. Her leaving him had really isolated him. No one else knew of full adventure that Link undertook. Even though he had fought so hard to save this land, he now had quickly left it in search of a friend. Seeing Link ride through the forest at the beginning of the game, he seemed alone and even deep in thought. At least that may explain why he was caught so of guard. He almost seemed sad, although that is based upon one’s own perception and opinion. IT does however, fit with the feel of the game as well with the scene with Zelda later on when Link recovers his stolen Ocarina from the Skull Kid. In it, Link was leaving Hyrule, much quicker then the princess anticipated. Couple this with the statement at the beginning of the game. How he had left the land that made him a legend.
Speaking of the beginning of Majora’s Mask, during the Link trying to follow Skull Kid but is beaten back by Talt sequence, he seems to give up after awhile, just sitting while Skull Kid floats away. Now, the scenario is bad, he had just been transformed into a Deku Scrub which seemed to be quite a horrifying experience in itself and was now stuck in this body, his horse had been taken, he was (lets face it) lost, and the Ocarina of Time had been taken as well. Quite a predicament indeed and it sets the mood for the game. It seems pretty hopeless, as if there is no way to win against evil. This albeit depression setting was the finer point of the game as the story is expanded on like never before. As such, there are many characters with dark tales that are never fully resolved . Its shows how the effects of evil can never be destroyed, they can be built upon and transform into something that has a positive effect, but evil can never be erased. Players are introduced unknowingly near the beginning of the game to such a character and it is only at the end that one can discover the identity of a seemingly random inclusion. Of course it is the Deku Butler’s Son. Near the beginning, what remains of the son is used as a means to test out the Z targeting. Upon further inspection, Talt notices how the subject in question looks sad. She also ominously comments on how Link in his current form looks a lot like the “subject”. Could it be that the Deku mask is based upon the Butler’s son? That would explain on how Talt and the Butler comment on Link resembling the son. It is tragic story indeed, especially if this be true. All this foreshadowing reaches a climax at the very end where the Butler is seen , apparently crying in front of the twisted image of a Deku. There is no “happy ending” ending for the Butler. Just like there may be no “happy ending” for the Hero of Time.
The Butler and his son is but one instance of where good did not win, as it cannot erase what evil has done, just build upon it. The three main transformation masks each chronicle the story of character that was in the end defeated by the evil that was unleashed by Skull Kid. The Goron’s mask was attained when the mighty Goron hero Daramani left the task of saving the Goron race to Link. Daramani had died and failed his people. He had been tormented by this event and only wished now that his people could he saved. In the particularly touching scene activated with the Song of Healing, we see Daramani, in front of a crowd of Gorons, all chanting his name. This event causes Daramani to break out in tears. He never wished to fail his people. He wanted to uphold the task he had been given and save them, to become a true hero. Alas, this could not occur for he was dead so Link was given the responsibility. A similar event occurs when attaining the Zora mask. Mikau washes on shore, and in his dying breath, he informs Link of what has occurred. We then see another scene activated by the Song of Healing where Mikau is playing with his band mates. They are his trusted comrades and he no doubt cares for them deeply, especially Lulu who’s eggs he wanted to save but, was unable. The scene is just as sad as the one with Daramani, for it is known that he cannot now succeed. He thus, entrusts Link with this quest (who at this point is more then capable) and dies. Link builds a small memorial for Mikau and bows his head in respect. It is clear by now if it hasn’t been before, that Link is well beyond his years. Many children at his age see a world filled with wonder and excitement, even in dark times. Yet with the Hero of Time, the world is slowly coming to an end as it sinks deeper and deeper into an abyss of despair. There are many more instances of such a dark occurrence, such as the Anju and Kafie story where he is still stuck within a child’s body, even on his wedding day, the failed dream of Gorman, or the entire Ikana Kingdom really.
Now what does this have to do with Link becoming evil? Well, besides providing a dark theme to the game, it provides quite a mental strain for Link. Being a hero, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to aid people in their troubles. Its what Link does and is often compelled to do considering all the side quests that were present in Ocarina of Time. It must have thus, been incredibly unnerving to know that one could do nothing for the people. Link was caught in a constant loop of time that kept him from really being able to help anyone for, it would just be erased. All he could do was gain the objects and abilities he needed to defeat Skull Kid. Sure at the end, the good deeds appear to occur, but during the course of the game, Link must know many negative events were to occur but, not do anything about it for something else needed to be done. He may have even reasoned with himself “even if I do help (so and so), it will just be like it never happened in three days”. Quite maddening especially considering some of the negative events that occur such as Cremia’s abduction by Aliens. Link would also be maddened after awhile by the constant repetition of events. He would have to meet everyone for the first time again, and again, and again. It would be the ultimate form of isolation and difference. Two traits that are not known as positive factors upon people. Not to mention that insanity could soon follow. There are many idealists that state that change is the key to life. Novels such as the
Chrysalids, and scientific accepted theories such as the Theory of Evolution support this claim. Link would be confined to a world where he could not grow or progress. Anyone who has watched the movie Groundhog’s Day has a visual diagram of what the effects of such an event as a time loop can have. Link is a strong guy though, it would take something of equal or greater strength to finally conquer him.
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