Hmm... It would be difficult to say who was stronger, although I don't think Fierce Deity Link would lose to Ganon unless Ganon had the whole Triforce (which we know he does before Alttp). Even then, Fierce Deity Link would still prove to be quite a match. The ease at which Majora's Mask can be defeated is quite stunning really when wearing the mask. Even more astounding is that was the first time Link was using the power of the mask. It would only be natural for Link to become even stronger once he begins to master the powers. Its based quite a bit on perception but, judging from the average difficulty when Link fights Ganon in Oot and when Fierce Deity Link battles Majora's Mask in MM plus assuming Link would get stronger after spending more time with the mask, then Fierce Deity Link may be more likely to win in a battle with Ganon even without the Master Sword. Now if Ganon had the entire Triforce, the battle may be swung in his favor.
The thing about Fierce Deity Link is that he simply dominates in MM. There has never been anything quite like him in the Zelda series. Even his blade is shaped in an infinity symbol as if to give a testament to his power. Of course, it would be the greatest form of irony if Ganon would be able to defeat Fierce Deity Link even though Ganon was the weaker, for not only did the same thing happen to Link and himself long ago in Oot except the roles were reversed, but it would serve as Ganon's only true victory so far depicted within the games against a Link who was least likely to lose.
how can i respond to that?! anyway- Fierce Deity Link can make Link extremely powerful (a la MM). If Link could defeat Ganon without the mask then why would there be a question as to whether he would beat Ganon with the mask?
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