I have to agree with Gary_Jinfield. The three Zelda titles released on the ill-fated Sony CD-I system were by far the worst. Not only were they released on a sub-standard system, the system itself had no press, I have made my point. Ta.harpetankWell , I don't know about Sony CD because I've never played or even had that system.
But so far,any LoZ game for the Nes , Snes , N64 , NGQ , GBC , And GBA all have been fun games.
Each zelda game on those systems got my official
And I don't give them out too often.
to be fair the greaest has to be OoT and th worst is Zelda IIGC4everWhen you talk about Zelda II , you're really just talking about a classic, So it doesn't really matter anymore what kind of rating old zelda games get.
[QUOTE="h8td1"][QUOTE="GC4ever"]to be fair the greaest has to be OoT and th worst is Zelda IIjimmydudeWhen you talk about Zelda II , you're really just talking about a classic, So it doesn't really matter anymore what kind of rating old zelda games get.NICE OUTLOOK. Thanks.
But what I don't really understand is why do poeple not like Zelda 2,
Is it because "they" made it like a 2D scrolling game as well. (?)
I kinda liked it a little !
I thought it was kinda neat.:DÂ
[QUOTE="lmkj"]omg...whatever i hate ww!cclbiah
oh my god youre my hero...anyway OoT is of course my favorite, for obvious reasons. My least favorite, sadly is Majora's Mask. I got about halfway through before i realised "Hey, this is retarded." Im sorry fans of that game, i mean i respect that its a very well made game, but i dont personally enjoy it. Once again i'm sorry for putting it down.
WW is a great game no doubt abou that, but copmaring it with the others, it seems to be the worst one!!Link_Soulthank you! thats what I was trying to say! its a cool game and all but it just seemed like a very childish, cartoon, 2 or 4d from the amazing graphics of Oot or TP!
[QUOTE="cclbiah"] [QUOTE="lmkj"]omg...whatever i hate ww!AnthonyCB
oh my god youre my hero...anyway OoT is of course my favorite, for obvious reasons. My least favorite, sadly is Majora's Mask. I got about halfway through before i realised "Hey, this is retarded." Im sorry fans of that game, i mean i respect that its a very well made game, but i dont personally enjoy it. Once again i'm sorry for putting it down.
Hey, just don't call it "retarded." Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game of all of them.OOT rox now and forever! It is, by far the best Zelda game to date! Don't get me wrong. I will definately NOT MIND AT ALL if TP ends up trumping it (which it appears it might). But, I can only give opinions on games I have played. Worst (not counting the CD-i games, which we should never speak of again!) would have to be Zelda II: AoL. Still, "Worst Zelda" is like "Dumbest Member of Mensa." It's not bad, just not as good as the others.
Legend of Zelda FOREVER!!!!
I think everyone needs to stop listing the CD-I's. Honestly, I don't even consider them to be true Zelda games.metalsamurai
I don't even consider them to be games, let alone Zelda games.
Well, OoT was the Greatest.
I would say the CD-I were the worst, but what's the point? They arn't even worthy of the Zelda name, so i say none for worst.
the graphics were so cheezy. the battle style, even dumber.lmkj
Dude, the graphics were really good, even though the style was different, and the battle system was just like Ocarina Of Time's except it was more complex. How can you say that battle system was dumb?
Setting variable "worst" = "none" defeats a good deal of the purpose of the thread. We know they're all good (except for the three "Unmentionables"). Just as there is always a "first", there is always a "last."UNOwen802Well, i just loved all the others i played, so i can't exactly classify them, i prefer to just think that i like them all the same (Except for OoT :P)
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