Post in here signing up for the tournament.To sign up, just post if you're going to be entering as Freelancer or Affiliated to a Union (It can be any union that agrees to take part of the tournament)The Winner of the Tounament get's a prize design as a little 'diploma'. If you are Affiliated to a Union, the Title will go both to you, and the Union, if you are Freelancing you get the Titled for yourself. Dudersaperloggens SnowmanU360 D-cashmanMastetofthedark Daxter223 n-reAdurna0 Jas0n94 kenkashijd jooja42animefan (Bella) Cloud_765DaavpukeSoraX64shadowchronicle Bobakuzero Cousin_Eddy Swamphell Mr_Jenkins koopa_shell zeldafreak7 Shadow-Elite spiritwaveÂ
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