[QUOTE="bjvb15"]Caroll has the right to talk trash on him. Sanchez thinks he is good enough for the NFL. Personally I think Caroll is right, he's not ready. Now if Sanchez actually makes a career out of the NFL, then trash Caroll all you want (I know you guys will trash Caroll even if he doesn't). If you don't approve of your players choices, why is it classy to support him? If Caroll knew he was going to go to the NFL this year, Sanchez never would have played. Caroll would have skipped over Sanchez, so he could invest in a sophmore or freshmen.geaux321
Wow, I disagree with just about everything you said. The head coach is supposed to be a mentor, somebody you look up to. No coach should ever trash one of his players (especially in college), unless he has broken the law. If they make the decision to skip their senior season, wish them luck and move on, it's not that hard. If I was a recruit and I see a head coach trash one of their own players, there's no way I'd want to play for him. And I highly doubt he would not have played Sanchez, they wouldn't compete for the National Title or even the Pac-10.
You say mentor, Sanchez didn't listen to his mentor. Do you realize that he is no longer a college player after he announces he has left for the NFL. Totally agree with not trash talking college players (even if they break the law), sit the KID down and talk with him, and keep it out of the media. I don't see Sanchez as a KID.
As for Caroll not playing Sanchez, it was more of a hindsight thing. The Pac-10 was so bad this year, they could have won the conference without him. And lets face it, USC was out of the National Title talk after the Oregon State loss.
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