Pokemon Conquest Tips and codes
I will get the Pokemon Conquest website on the codes
there are some codes to pokemon to aid you in your conquest
Tip for Pokemon Conquest:
1) Never go to fighting type battle with Normal pokemon. Fighting is super-effective against Normal pokemon.
2) Get and recruit new warriors with the appropiate pokemon to the next kingdom to conquer. ex: Flying or Psycho to fighting kingdom.
3) Play Pokemon Conquest like other pokemon games. Know the type weakness and strength,
My recommendation before you beat the game:
1. Recruit as many warlords as possible.
2. Find their perfect link Pokemon.
3. Grind them and evolve them so you get uber Pokemon for the post-game.
4. Buy items from the travelling merchant since they carry over to post-game. Regular items and equipment do not carry over i.e potions, dumbells.
Sorry for double-post but I got a tip for a few of the end-game missions:
I'm a grinder so I have no idea how fast you guys go through the missions but I have tips for the Not Worth Fighting For missions:
1. Blitz your two rivals ASAP. Oichi seems like an easy target early and she is but your two rivals are the ones who will give you problems. So...
2. Save Oichi for last since she will only have Normal-type Pokemon (unless you let some of your Warlords go in which case she will likely recruit them)
3. Make note of whoever your rivals' other warlord is at the beginning. When you play as them in the future, they will have that Warlord as their first ally. Find a strong Pokemon for that Warlord and evolve it before beating the mission.
You don't have to do this of course but it's my recommendation.
Apparently I'm the only one posting but I'm playing through another mission right now and I think I've got a couple of tips for it.
Shroud of Darkness:
1. Take out Nene at Viperia first turn to secure your flank. She's an easy target first turn.
2. Once that's done start securing Cragspur and Viperia by recruiting Warlords. Since Yaksha can no longer be attacked you can recruit there at your leisure once you have 6 Warlords in Viperia and Cragspur.
I haven't taken on anyone else so I don't know if this works yet but:
The rules that Nene put forth in this mission is that you can only use Poison, Dark, Ghost and Dragon-types in this mission. If you recruited the Warlords previously in the main story they still have the Pokemon from the main story. I'll update this to see if you can use other Pokemon that the ones specified.
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