Thread title is pretty self-explanatory.
Post to pad your post count or actually talk about what you like/dislike, it's whatever. Spoilers go in spoilers of course.
Right now I'm going through a decline in gaming and bump in movies and whatnot. It kind of varies.
What's going on right now?
Lord of the Rings trilogy extended edition :cool:
Only about halfway through Fellowship of the Ring. I've actually read all the books (multiple times) but never watched the second and third movies so I've finally decided to find purpose and watch all three movies this week =P
It's really impressive how almost perfectly the movie follows along with book and captures all of the important stuff. Of course being almost 4 hours long helps that haha. Of course it's amazingly acted and the special effects are amazing. I've always loved the lore and the world that Tolkien created and it really makes me want to go pick up a LotR game haha.
So whatcha watching?
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