This is part of my second chapter of Resident Evil 1.5 that I wrote a few years ago. It desperately needs to be revised and edited and most of it will be scrapped but this was part of a portion that seems pretty intact that I would like to share with all of you. This is part of the final product...
Now before I let everyone view the sample I will list all of the characters (as of now) that will be appearing in my fan fic.
Barry Burton
Mark Redfield (Chris and Claire's cousin)
Ben Kendo (brother of Robert Kendo, owner of the Kendo Gunshop)
Now with that in mind is a small sample of Chapter II, enjoy!
...three cops running on the street though neither Ben nor Barry could see what they were running from. Then out of nowhere a green reptilian creature jumped from the darkness landing in front of one of the officers. The closest cop went to shoot the creature but before he could even squeeze off a round the creature leapt forward using its sharp claws to take off the man's head. The creature shrieked in triumph as blood began to spray and squirt everywhere. Instantaneously the man's body crumpled to the ground near his decapitated head forming a small pool of blood. Immediately the other two officers turned around and began shooting at the creature. Every time they hit it, it would make a high-pitched shriek. Just as they seemed to have the situation under control a second jumped from a nearby roof landing quietly behind them. Before Barry or Ben could warn them the creature, taking its sharp claws, swiped one of the officer's sides getting its hand temporarily stuck in between its victim's ribcage. After a short struggle it forcefully rippped it out revealing intestines and blood. The man yelled in pain and he grabbed his side, falling back making a small splash as he fell into a pool of his very own blood. He wasn't alive for much longer for the creature, like a child ripping the wings off of a fly, decided to claw his face off rather then letting him continue a gurgling scream. Barry raised his weapon and shot the creature making it not only scream but also making it grab its shoulder as it fell on its back screaming and flailing wildly. Quickly the last of the officers shoots the thing in the head several times finally killing it. He turns around quickly to deal with the last of them and he squeezes the trigger to his handgun. CLICK. The weapon was out of ammo and the creature threw one of its hands at the man in the blink of an eye embedding its claws deep into the man's scalp. The officer yells in pain but he manages to fight back a resist. Sadly, before Barry could even react, the creature pulls the man towards itself and with its inhuman strength it manges to skewer him through the stomach with its free hand. Sharp claws jolt through the man's body tearing out through his backside. Barry fires three times hitting the creature sending it to the ground with its claws still embedded in its unlucky victim. The reptilain monsters were all dead but to no avail, all three officers now laid lifeless in the middle of the street completely mutilated. Barry remembered these creatures from the Mansion and he knew they were excellent killers. Umbrella called them "Hunters" and that's exactly what they did, the hunted their prey. If these things were running freely through the streets and suburbs of Raccoon City then the amount of survivors would be literally cut in half...
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