Last.FM recommended artists, online forums, music blogs, and friends' recommendations. Not necessarily in that order.JML897This is what I do too.
Also to try to go out of my element or music I listen to, I tend to get or ask friends for some suggestions.
Youtube and google searches. I might write something like "Bands like NOFX" and see what comes up.
Stuff like this sometimes helps too. You can also just go on Wikipedia and look up lists of artists from different genres of music (like "List of Punk Rock bands" or "List of Progressive Rock bands").
Last.FMSpotify has totally given me new artists to listen to.T.V.
Other people :) Just, random ways really. AudioPrison
Movies, games, youtube, friends.
But most of my friends don't like my kind of music, they listen to music that is only big shot today,next month, whatever.
they have songs today then the next week another song was aired in Mtv or other, then that's their new favorite.
But I can see in them that some of them just liked the song because it's big shot now.Â
Lots of reccs from websites like Metal Archives are helpful, especially if you're after a specific sound or genre.
i was wondering how everyone else found out about a certain artist or type of music.leon2365
Pandora, Wikipedia occasionally, mainly radio.Â
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