What we will discuss in this union
As you all can see this a music union so music is our top priority. You can go OT as well and post some new threads or just post at the OT thread. Be sure that all you say its interesting otherwise no one will respond to that and we will have to lock it. I don't think that will happen cuz we have a lot of bright minds here.So go at the boards and have fun talking about music around us.
How can we improve this union
Well if you have any ideas making this union better u can post them here and I will reply to you as soon as I see it. Find something interesting and promote this union to other gamespotters or unions and u can be an officer. Right now I have a goal to reach 100 members in this union so all gamespotters are welcome here.
Keep This Place Safe And Clean
All I need from you is making this union a shiny and respectable place in everyway I mean.So please no nudity, no swearing, no threatin other members, nothing cuz otherwise u will be banned from this union and maybe from gamespot forever and we don't want such thing do we. So just show your good part and be nice.
Officer's power
Officer's here are as powerful as me. They can lock threads, they can post articles, in one word they are gods. Not as me I m a Titan :P . If u have any concerns contact them and if u don't want to I m always here for you.
Union Tags
Here are the tags I made for this union. Put them in your sigs. Im sure they can do 2 things at the same time : Promote our union, Make your sig look good. Enjoy
Affiliates Union
If you have an union and want to be affiliates with this union you can just ask and it will be posted here. We are already affiliated with Japanese Gaming Union with the leader
our officer Asian_Pride69 , Mindless Self Indulgence Union with the leader our officer Audioprison and Fate Stay Night Union with leader Azure_Valkyrie . Don't be shy u just need to ask and maybe we can do some cool tags for your union as well . You are all welcome.
I think that's all you need to know for this union. Now go to the boards and have fun…
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