Bah, I tried reading the Hobbit. I remember reading something about a sleeping dragon on treasure and I was terribly bored. Am I talking about the right book? There was another guy that bored me too... There was an F in his name, I think one of his book covers had a lock on it, it was about fairies and the guy was famous for no reason I could think of.RoseFlambe169
THe Hobbit is the one that isn't boring! Because it's concise, paced, has an idea and sticks to it and doesn't get bogged down in whatever rubbish comes to Tokein's head. Lord of the Rings? Now that one is boring.
I do too! But I think Peter Jackson will do a good job with the film, and since it's being split into 2 parts he can't  leave anything out! I guess it's going to be the opposite of most book to movie adaptations. He's going to add a bunh of stuff instead of leaving stuff out.:P[QUOTE="stephenage"]That is why it's not the Hobbit I know. Lord of the Rings is alright... But the Hobbit is amazing, I have strong childhood ties to that book dammit, stop screwing with it!Ifnot
That's the worst thing, just film the damn Hobbit. I don't care if it's other Tolkein stuff... I don't really like other Tolkein stuff, but I love the Hobbit!
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