Shadow is 500 points overkilled! The battle ends and everyone's level goes up to level two.
The shadow dispersed into millions of tiny black dots and then disappeared without a trace. The black and the purple dragons began to wake up. "Ow, what happened" said the black one as she put her hand on top of her head to help her deal with the pain. "I don't know, where are we?" asked the purple dragon.
The group was confused into what was going on. "Wait! Ignitus, Cyril, Terrador, Volteer, and Sparx! We have to save them!" exclaimed the purple dragon. "Spyro, I think it's too late. They must have already been scattered across the world already. Spyro saddened as he heard this and then he look towards the group. Spyro raised his head again. "Who are you?" he asked "Are you one of "his" army?"
Choices: -explained to them who you are
-ask who "he" is
-ask them why they attacked you
Leader to make choice: godofmadness
(sorry I haven't been on in a while. I will post the stat increasements later since I need to re-read everyones chacter profile and figure out what they excel in the most and they don't concentrate on too much. Also from now on I will use a experience system. Every 100 points you level up but enemies will give you less and less experience with each level up.)
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