Alex Harper and the Iron Phantom
Chapter One -- The Visitor
It was a seemingly normal night in the town of Stonewood. Cars sped through the dimly lit streets, pedestrians kept to themselves, and a gunshot could go off, sending many citizens running, and one unlucky person to a place where he'd never run again. Of course, that never happens. Not usually, at least.
Though no guns would blast tonight, something else might happen, possibly. But, possibly not. Stonewood was a reasonably peaceful town. The biggest crime of the past year was stealing money from the charity drive at the coffee shop. That's it. No murders, no mugging, no mishap of any kind.
But how long could that last?
The hooded figure stepped closer to the edge of the hill, looking out from the great pine trees in front of him. The vast cityscape below echoed invitingly. His smooth iron mask poked out from the heavy, dark brown hood, and the dark, glassy-looking eyes peered into the street far below. The wind blew suddenly, shaking the trees around him violently. His cloak whipped around in the wind, and his bronzed, skeletal-looking hand steadied it behind him. He stepped out from the hill, and began to fly in the wind effortlessly.
Seemingly at this occurrence, thunder shook the skies, and rain beat down around the figure lurking within the dark hood. The figure seemed to become invisible against the night-scape haunting the sky, and drifted naturally toward the street below. He targeted a specific building, brilliantly lit, a startling contrast against the wall of black below, and fell quickly toward it, feather-like.
Drifting, drifting like one of the raindrops surrounding him, he fell closer and closer to the ground, and eventually, the dark mass crumbled against the relatively empty sidewalk, ending in a pile of wet brown cloth, as though the being inside had disappeared entirely.
Lying motionless for a brief moment, the cloak began to form human shape once more. The possibly non-existent being within started walking forward, toward the brilliantly lit building he landed before. He stood under the overhang that covered the main entryway of the building, shielded from the rain, if only for a moment. The building's architecture was like that of a great stone temple, different from the many other ultramodern city buildings surrounding it. No, this was a piece of history. This was a pillar of the town. This was a hotel. Specifically, The Stonewood Inn. Not a very original name, but descriptive, nonetheless. The cloaked figure walked into the hotel through the automatically sliding door, into the vast copper-toned stone floor of the main level. He walked very slowly, almost as though he had no feet at all, toward the front desk, where a tall woman stood at a computer, not looking at the very peculiar new guest who had just arrived. The woman looked up from her work as the dark figure drifted closer.
"Excuse... me, miss." The hooded man said slowly. The desk clerk smiled brightly. "Hello, sir. Would you like a room?"
"Thank... you." The desk clerk began work on her computer, typing speedily.
"One bed or two?" She asked the hooded man.
"I don't... care."
"Very good... smoking or no?"
"I don't... care." The desk clerk looked mildly afraid of the mysterious man before her, his head hanging low so as to not show off the mask underneath. She worked still, as the frightening man in front of her stood stone still. After a short time, she handed him a blue key card. He reached out a long, metallic hand and slowly grabbed the card from her slightly trembling hand. She felt the cold, bronze-colored grip touching her hand, making her whole body shiver with fear.
"Room 115, s-sir." She said finally.
"I will... pay after I see... the room." The man offered darkly, slowly turning away from the desk clerk. "O-OK. Thank you, and, uh... en-enjoy your stay." She replied, scared, as the dark man walked toward the stairs.
The man in the dark brown cloak walked up the saloon-like stairs, slowly as ever. A very small boy watched as the cloaked man appeared from the curve of the steps. He gasped at the sheer darkness of the man before him, and slowly backed away. The man walked past the boy without so much as a glance, and stopped at his door, 115.
After carelessly looking at his card with his shiny, iron-mask, the man enshrouded in darkness threw it behind him, as though it was trash. The little boy, still petrified in terror, picked it up off the ground and examined it, as the man behind the iron mask walked through the solid closed door like a ghost. The little boy looked both amazed and shocked at once.
The sight! An already intensely mysterious man, walking through a closed door, as though it never existed. The little boy ran off at top speed, right around a corner, and found his mom, fumbling around in her purse.
"MOM! Mom, I just saw a man walk through a closed door!" He belted at the dark-haired woman.
"Devon," she answered quickly. "stop making up stories!" She found her key and grabbed it from her purse.
"But mom, I-I saw it! I swear!" The little boy answered.
The hooded man had entered his room, completely unaffected by the solid wooden door he had just walked through. The man slowly crept toward his bed, and stopped, looking at it. He then continued toward the window, coated in the rain of the night. It was closed tight. The man extended a long, skeletal hand, and without touching it, the window slid open, as if through telekinesis. Rain slowly darted the white carpet, black specks rapidly appearing on the blank floor.
The man's iron mask, unflinching in shape, floated out of the cover of the hood. It floated out of the window, and the giant, glowing, glass-like eyes changed from their original ice-blue color, to a crimson tone, rain coating and dripping off of the mask.
The mask started to glow white, and the skies flashed. The clouds began to churn and part, showing the great flashes of lightning streaking across the sky. Lightning struck the mask, infusing the small, silver-colored object with energy. The lightning continued to strike the mask, flashing more each time.
For a short time, The Stonewood Inn was lost in a white light originating from the mask. Covered in bright energy, the mask was slowly pulled inside by the telekinetic power of the strange hooded man, back into the hood. The previously still mask began to alter in shape, twisting and contorting like a real human face.
But what was this? And what was it for?
This started out as a movie script, but I'd rather write a book.
Please, critique, and keep in mind, I'm only 14.
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