May 4, 2005 - Spider-Man helmer Sam Raimi recently spoke with the SCI FI Wire website and revealed that Sony Pictures has plans to make a total of six films in the superhero franchise. Raimi even dropped that he might be willing to direct them all. He says, "I've heard Amy Pascal [chairman of Sony's motion picture group] say she wants to make six Spider-Man pictures. ... So I think she's a woman of her word. And if she says there'll be six, there'll be six. ... If they were to ask me, and if I felt as passionate as I feel now about the character and had this great hunger and desire to tell the story, which I really do now, you couldn't keep me away from it."
Raimi is currently in preproduction on Spider-Man 3, which he says will partially deal with Peter's emotional journey as he deals with the death of Uncle Ben. "The task that I had was to try and understand where he was when we last left him ... at the end of Spider-Man 2, trying to figure out what he lacked as a human being, as far as where he was immature and what he had not learned," Raimi said.Sideways star Thomas Haden Church has joined the cast as the villain, but nobody's saying who that is yet. Raimi added, "We had to choose a villain that represented a proper obstacle in the path of that growth. He says the identity of the bad guy is being withheld until Sony and Marvel can make a big presentation for the fans."
Spider-Man 3 is set for a May 4, 2007 release. Production on the film is scheduled to begin early next year.
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