Man what happen to the gloryest writers that flooded the wwe in (85-93)(96-2002 era)
I mean as a fan im tired of people bashing what I used to luv so much as a kid
You guys remember where u where when u first heard austin famous 3:16 speech!
You guys remember the first Time you'd scream "rocky suck's"and smell what the rock wuz cooking!
you remember the realD-genaration X and how they cuz mayhem in da wwe!
Where were u the first time we witness the "worm"
do you remember the day we witness the olympic champion?
Or the classic undertaker vs. undertaker match
Do u remember the day hogan beat the unbeatable andre the giant
If u guys remember this and are true fanactics
I want You to urge other to protest to the wwe to bring back the glory that we miss so much
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